Home Symptoms Causes of shoulder bursitis

Causes of shoulder bursitis


The causes of bursitis in the shoulder include excessive or repetitive strain of the arms above the shoulder line, as can happen in case of situations, such as:

  • Direct hit on the shoulder; Fall to the floor and support the weight of the body with the arm extended; Frequent games of volleyball, tennis or handball; Support yourself on your elbows for long periods.

Shoulder bursitis is a common problem in individuals who make repetitive movements with their arms raised, just as it is necessary for painting walls and ceilings, cleaning windows, gardening or playing a musical instrument.

Symptoms of shoulder bursitis include shoulder pain, which can radiate to the arm and difficulty in moving the joint, especially when having to raise the arm above shoulder height.

People who are more likely to develop shoulder bursitis include age over 40 and repetitive work. In addition, people who have diabetes and inflammatory diseases like gout or rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to develop this disease.

Treatment for bursitis

Treatment for bursitis should be done by a physical therapist and usually includes applying cold to the joint and isometric exercises to strengthen the muscles and decrease inflammation. However, to relieve the discomfort of bursitis, the patient can take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, as long as they are prescribed by the doctor. In cases of chronic bursitis, injections of corticosteroids into the shoulder may also be recommended to reduce inflammation. Find out more details of the treatment for shoulder bursitis.

Causes of shoulder bursitis