Home Symptoms Causes of swollen knee and what to do

Causes of swollen knee and what to do


When the knee is swollen, it is advisable to rest the affected leg and apply a cold compress for the first 48 hours to reduce the swelling. However, if the pain and swelling persist for more than 2 days, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist to diagnose the problem and start the appropriate treatment.

In case of swollen knee, what can be done to treat the problem at home includes:

  • Maintain rest, supporting the leg on a higher surface; Apply a cold compress in the first 48 hours to reduce swelling; Apply a warm compress from 48 hours to relieve muscle pain; Take anti-inflammatory and analgesic remedies, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, every 8 hours and under the guidance of a doctor.

However, if the pain and swelling persist for more than 7 days, it is advisable to consult an orthopedist, as it may be necessary to undergo treatment with physiotherapy, remove excess fluid from the knee with a needle or, in more severe cases, have surgery knee. Discover other precautions in: How to treat a knee injury.

Watch the video below why use hot or cold compress:

Main causes of swollen knee

The swollen knee is a symptom that can affect individuals of all ages, especially in the case of accidents, falls or when practicing physical activity, such as football, basketball or running. Thus, it is important to inform the doctor or physiotherapist of how the knee pain started, if there was a fall in what position the knee was or if there is any other associated disease.

Normally when the knee is swollen there is an increase in synovial fluid, which is a fluid that serves to maintain the lubrication of this joint. Its normal concentration is approximately 3 ml, but in some cases it can reach 100 ml causing pain, swelling and discomfort in the knee. Some situations that can cause knee swelling are:

1. Direct trauma

After a direct or indirect fall or trauma to the knee, the knee may become swollen and painful, which usually indicates a contusion, sprain or acute traumatic synovitis, which can happen when there is an inflammation in the synovial membrane, which covers the inside of the joints. This situation happens when the person fell on his knees and they were swollen during the night, most likely it is an acute traumatic synovitis, which may contain blood accumulation inside the knee joint, which makes the knee sore and purple.

  • How to treat: Placing a cold compress can relieve pain, but rest with the leg elevated is also recommended and an ointment for trauma, such as gelol or diclofenac, for example, can be applied. Learn more at Synovitis in the knee.

2. Arthrosis

Arthrosis can leave the knee apparently swollen, due to the deformities that the disease causes, which makes the knee bigger, wider and less plump than normal. This change is very common in the elderly, but it can affect younger people, around 40 years of age.

  • How to treat: It is recommended to do physical therapy, with electronic devices for pain relief, joint manipulation techniques, stretching and strengthening exercises. Other measures that can help are changes in daily life, such as losing weight, avoiding efforts, preferring to wear sneakers or shoes that are very comfortable than walking in slippers or barefoot, for example. Check out the best exercises for knee arthrosis.

3. Arthritis

Knee arthritis can be caused by a fall, overweight, natural wear and tear of the joint, or due to a change in the immune system, such as rheumatoid arthritis, which makes the knee swollen and painful. But there is still the possibility of reactive arthritis, which causes swelling and pain in the knee due to other diseases such as gonorrhea in the genitals, intestinal infection by salmonella or parasites.

  • What to do: It is recommended to tell the doctor if you have other symptoms or if you have any other disease, or under treatment. In case of arthritis it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor and physical therapy. In addition, changes in lifestyle are also recommended, where it is recommended to avoid physical efforts. The diet should also be rich in anti-inflammatories and low in processed foods, such as sausages and bacon. Check out examples of some great arthritis exercises.

4. Knee infection

When the knee becomes swollen and red, an inflammatory or infectious process may be occurring in this joint.

  • What to do: In this case, it is always advisable to go to the doctor, especially if the knee is very hot, is swollen for more than 7 days, the pain prevents movement of the leg or other symptoms such as fever above 38ÂșC.

5. Baker's cyst

Baker's cyst is a small lump that forms behind the knee, which can leave it slightly swollen, and pain and stiffness in the area are common, which worsen with knee extension movement and during physical activity.

  • How to treat: Physiotherapy is recommended to fight pain and discomfort, but it does not eliminate the cyst, although it can facilitate the experience with it. See what else you can do to treat Baker's Cyst.

6. Ligament injury

A rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament happens suddenly, during a football game, for example. It is possible to hear a loud crack at the moment of rupture, which helps in the accurate diagnosis. The feeling that your knee is swollen or cracking is also common.

  • What to do: You should go to the orthopedic doctor because tests are needed to assess the level of ligament rupture, and to evaluate the possibility of physical therapy and / or surgery. See more at: Knee ligament injury.

7. Injury to the meniscus

The knee is not always very swollen in case of injury to the meniscus, but a small swelling on the side of the knee may suggest this injury. Other common symptoms are knee pain when walking, going up and down stairs.

  • What to do: A consultation with an orthopedist is indicated because tests such as MRI may be necessary to prove the injury. Physiotherapy is indicated to treat it, and in some cases, surgery may be an option to permanently eliminate pain.

8. Patellar dislocation

A sudden fall or accident can dislocate the patella causing a dislocation or patellar fracture. In this case, in addition to pain and swelling, it can be seen that the patella is displaced to the side.

  • What to do: You should go to the emergency room for tests such as x-rays to check the severity of the situation. The orthopedist may reposition the patella with his hands, or in surgery. Placing a cold compress on the knee can relieve the pain while waiting for the appointment. Then it may be necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the pain. If this pain persists after about 3 weeks, physical therapy is also recommended.

Pain and swelling in the knee during pregnancy

The swollen knee in pregnancy is normal and happens due to the natural swelling of the legs, due to the effect of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which cause dilation of the veins. The increased belly and weight of the pregnant woman can also cause swelling in the legs due to the accumulation of fluid and inflammation of the knee tissues.

What to do: Rest with your legs elevated, wear a low comfortable shoe, as a soft sneaker is recommended. In addition, it can be useful to throw jets of cold water on your knees with your legs elevated, at the edge of a swimming pool, for example. It is not recommended to take medication or apply ointments without the obstetrician's knowledge.

Causes of swollen knee and what to do