Home Symptoms 8 Main health benefits of chicory

8 Main health benefits of chicory


Chicory, whose scientific name is Cichorium pumilum, is a plant rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers and can be eaten raw, in fresh salads, or in the form of teas, the most used parts being its leaves and roots.

Chicory is also known as coffee chicory, almond, wild almond, bitter chicory and wild chicory, and is widely used to treat liver or bowel problems. This plant also has properties that can help treat muscle pain, improve digestion, prevent cardiovascular disease and strengthen the immune system.

Chicory Benefits

Chicory is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers, having high nutritional value and having several health benefits, the main ones being:

  1. It aids in the weight loss process, as it does not have many calories and provides a large amount of nutrients. In addition, it is rich in fibers, which in addition to promoting bowel movements, guarantees the feeling of satiety; Prevents cardiovascular diseases, since due to the antioxidant components, it is able to control blood cholesterol levels and, thus, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, for example, which is one of the main causes of heart disease; Relieves symptoms of stress and anxiety, as it has a sedative effect, helping to calm; It improves digestion and fights constipation, since it is rich in fibers, favoring bowel movements, in addition to being able to decrease stomach acidity, reducing symptoms of heartburn, reflux and indigestion, for example; Prevents muscle and joint pain, in addition to assisting in the treatment of arthritis, for example, as it has anti-inflammatory properties; Strengthens the immune system, since due to its antioxidant components, it is able to remove free radicals from the body, strengthening the immune system; It improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, as it is capable of cleaning the liver, since it is able to eliminate toxins from the body and increase urinary frequency, since it has a diuretic property; It improves the appearance of skin and hair, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

In addition, chicory strengthens bones and stimulates appetite. Thus, chicory can also be used to assist in the treatment of gout, liver congestion, hypertension and combating microorganisms, for example.

How to consume

The parts of chicory most used for consumption are the leaves and the root, which can be used in salads, juices and teas, for example.

Chicory leaves:

Chicory leaves are usually used in salads and can be eaten raw, cooked or braised, but they can also be used to make juice. Chicory juice can be made by placing 1 chicory leaf and 200 ml of water in a blender. After the entire leaf is crushed and incorporated into the water, the juice can be consumed. This juice can be consumed before a meal, to stimulate appetite, or after a meal, to promote the digestive process.

Chicory roots:

Chicory roots can be used to make chicory coffee, which is healthier than regular coffee and can be considered an option for people where coffee consumption is contraindicated, such as people with diabetes or hypertension, for example. Chicory coffee can be found in supermarkets and health food stores and the value can vary between R $ 4 and R $ 10.00.

Chicory tea:

Another way to consume chicory is by drinking tea made from the leaves and roots of the plant. To make the tea, just put 20 g of chicory leaves and roots in 1 L of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink at least 3 times a day before or after meals.

When not to consume

Chicory is contraindicated in cases of diarrhea and fever.

8 Main health benefits of chicory