Home Symptoms Hypovolemic shock: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment

Hypovolemic shock: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment


Hypovolemic shock is a serious situation that occurs when a large amount of fluids and blood is lost, which causes the heart to be unable to pump the necessary blood throughout the body and, consequently, oxygen, leading to serious problems in several body organs and putting life at risk.

This type of shock is usually more frequent after very heavy blows, such as traffic accidents or falls from a height, but it can also happen during surgery, for example. To treat this shock and avoid its serious consequences, it is necessary to quickly go to the hospital to start blood transfusion or administration of serum directly into the vein, in addition to treating the cause that is causing the blood loss.

Signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock

The main signs and symptoms indicative of hypovolemic shock are:

  • Constant headache, which can get worse; Excessive tiredness and dizziness; Nausea and vomiting; Very pale and cold skin; Confusion; Bluish fingers and lips; Feeling faint.

In many cases, hypovolemic shock can be easy to identify, especially if the bleeding is visible, however, in cases of internal bleeding, these signs can be more difficult to detect.

Possible causes

Hypovolemic shock usually arises when there is a bleeding that causes excessive blood loss, which can happen due to very deep wounds or cuts, traffic accidents, falls from a great height, internal bleeding, active ulcers and very heavy menstruation.

In addition, other situations that cause the loss of body fluids can also contribute to the decrease in the amount of blood in the body, such as prolonged diarrhea, very severe burns or excessive vomiting, for example.

This is because due to the decrease in fluids and blood, there is a change in the distribution of oxygen to organs and tissues, resulting in cell death and, consequently, organ failure, in case it is not identified and treated. In addition, due to the decreased oxygen supply, there is a greater production of lactate, which can be toxic to the body in large concentrations.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for hypovolemic shock is done through blood transfusion and the administration of serum directly into the vein, it is essential to stop the cause of the bleeding or the situation that leads to loss of fluids.

Death caused by hypovolemic shock only occurs if the amount of blood and liquid lost corresponds to more than 1/5 of the total volume of the amount of blood in a human being, which means, approximately, 1 liter of blood.

First aid for hypovolemic shock

Hypovolemic shock is an emergency situation that must be treated as soon as possible. Thus, if there is suspicion, it should be:

  1. Call medical help immediately by calling 192; Lay the person down and raise their feet about 30 cm, or enough that they are above the level of the heart; Keep the person warm by using blankets or clothing.

If there is a bleeding wound, it is important to try to stop the bleeding by using a clean cloth and putting pressure on the site to minimize blood loss and allow more time for the medical team to arrive.

Hypovolemic shock: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment