Home Bulls Effects of bimatoprost eye drops

Effects of bimatoprost eye drops


Bimatoprost is the active ingredient in a glaucoma eye drops that should be used daily to decrease high pressure inside the eye. It is sold commercially in its generic form, but this same active ingredient is also present in a solution sold under the name Latisse and Lumigan.

Glaucoma is an eye disease where the pressure is high, which can impair vision and even cause blindness when it is not treated. Its treatment must be indicated by the ophthalmologist and is usually done with a combination of medications and eye surgery. Currently, with minimally invasive surgery, surgical treatment is indicated even in the most initial cases of glaucoma or cases of ocular hypertension.


Bimatoprost eye drops are indicated to decrease the increased pressure in the eyes of people with open or closed angle glaucoma and also in case of ocular hypertension.


Estimated price Generic bimatoprost: 50 reais Latisse: 150 to 200 reais Lumigan: 80 reais Glamigan: 45 reais.

How to use

Just apply 1 drop of bimatoprost eye drops to each eye at night. If you have to use other eye drops, wait 5 minutes to put the other medicine on.

If you use contact lenses you should remove them before you drop the eye drops in the eye and you should only put the lens back in after 15 minutes because the drops can be absorbed by the contact lens and be damaged.

When dripping the drop in your eyes, be careful not to touch the packaging to your eyes to avoid being contaminated.

Side effects

The most common side effects of Bimatoprost eye drops are the appearance of a slight blurring of vision shortly after applying the product and this can harm the use of machines and driving vehicles. Other effects include redness in the eyes, eyelash growth and itchy eyes. Sensation of dry eyes, burning, pain in the eyes, blurred vision, inflammation of the cornea and eyelids.


This eye drop should not be used in case of allergy to bimatoprost or any of the components of its formula. It should also be avoided in cases where the eye has uveitis (a type of eye inflammation), although it is not an absolute contraindication.

Effects of bimatoprost eye drops