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Is eating too many eggs bad? how much can i eat a day?


Eating egg daily is not bad for your health along with a balanced diet, and can even bring several benefits to the body such as helping to control cholesterol, favoring muscle mass gain or preventing eye disease, for example.

The egg has been known to be bad for your health because its yolk is rich in cholesterol, but studies show that the cholesterol present in natural foods has a low risk of being bad for your health, since processed foods are the ones that disrupt cholesterol, such as bacon, sausage, ham, sausage, stuffed cookies and fast food .

Thus, the ideal is to cook the egg in the most natural way possible, with water, for example, avoiding using processed fats such as oil or butter.

How many eggs can I eat a day?

Studies do not show a consensus on the amount of eggs allowed per day, but consuming about 1 to 2 units per day is good for health in healthy people according to the American Heart Association. For people with diabetes and heart problems, the ideal is that consumption is a maximum of 1 unit per day, along with a balanced diet to maintain adequate cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Although the egg is a very rich food, it also has calories and, therefore, those who are on very restricted diets for weight loss should consume egg in moderation. See the nutritional information of the egg and find out if its calories fit in your diet.

8 Egg health benefits

In addition to not harming the heart, other benefits are:

  1. Increased muscle mass, because it is a good source of protein; Prevent diseases such as cancer, because it is rich in antioxidants, such as tryptophan and tyrosine; Decrease the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, because it is rich in lecithin; Prevent premature aging, because it is rich in selenium, zinc and vitamins A and E; Fight anemia, because it contains iron and folic acid; Protect your vision, because it contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin; Maintain bone health, because it contains calcium and phosphorus; Help in memory formation of the fetus and prevent breast cancer, because it contains choline;

Egg is usually only contraindicated in cases of allergy to albumin, which is the protein in this food that is present in the clear. See the symptoms of egg allergy.

How to prepare eggs in a healthy way

Some healthy ways to prepare the egg and reap the benefits of this food include:

1. Cooking in the microwave

An easy and practical recipe is to prepare the egg in the microwave, as it does not take oil. To do this, heat a deep dish in the microwave for 1 minute, open the egg in the dish, season and pierce the yolk, so that it does not burst. Then, put everything in the microwave for 1 more minute.

2. Make poached egg

To make the poached version, put a pot of water to boil and when the first bubbles appear, stir the water with a spoon, always turning in the same direction. Then, break the egg carefully into the pan, allowing the egg to cook like this for about 7 minutes. Finally, remove it with the help of a slotted spoon, allowing the water to drain before placing it on the plate to serve.

3. Fry egg with water

To avoid using oil, place the egg in a well-heated non-stick pan, add 1 tablespoon of water and cover the pan so that the egg cooks with steam.

4. Egg farofa

For each egg, use 4 tablespoons of manioc flour, 1 tablespoon of chopped onion and half a tablespoon of oil, butter or margarine. You should brown the onion in butter, add the egg and when it is almost cooked, add the flour gradually.

5. Egg omelet

For those who cannot eat egg yolks in excess, the ideal is to make an egg white omelet.


  • 3 egg whites1 tablespoon water or milk1 cup boiled vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, broccoli) ΒΌ cup of cottage cheese or ricotta cheeseSalt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation

In a bowl, mix the egg whites, milk and spices. Place in a preheated skillet and cook for 2 minutes. Add the stuffing of vegetables and cheese, or stuff as you wish, letting it cook until the cheese has melted.

Raw egg increases risk of intestinal infection

Raw or undercooked eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria, which cause fever, vomiting and severe diarrhea, and are even more dangerous in children. Therefore, one should avoid its rare consumption and also products that have raw eggs as ingredients, such as mousses, mayonnaise, toppings and cake fillings.

The best choice is to consume the boiled or fried egg without adding oil or butter, so as not to increase the amount of calories and fat consumed in the diet.

Test to see if the egg is good

A good way to know if the egg is still good to eat is to put the egg still intact in a glass of water. If it floats it is because it already contains a lot of air inside, and because of that it is old or damaged and should not be consumed. The ideal is to consume only the egg that is in the bottom of the glass or in the middle of the water.

White or brown shell eggs bring the same health benefits, and it is important when buying to observe only the quality of the shell, which must be clean, matte and without cracks. At the time of preparation, the egg white should be thick and viscous and the yolk firm and centralized, without falling apart after the shell has broken.

It is also important to remember that eggs should be kept in the refrigerator, preferably inside, as the glacier door suffers many temperature variations, which impairs the preservation of this food.

Is eating too many eggs bad? how much can i eat a day?