Home Bulls What is hydrolipo, how is it made and health risks

What is hydrolipo, how is it made and health risks


Tumescent liposuction, also called hydrolipo, is a plastic surgery indicated to remove localized fat, which is performed under local anesthesia, with the person awake during the entire procedure.

This plastic surgery is indicated when it is necessary to remodel the body contour and not to treat obesity and can be used in all areas of the body that have localized fat.

Differences between hydrolipo, mini lipo and lipo light

Despite having different names, both hydrolipo, mini lipo, lipo light and tumescent liposuction refer to the same aesthetic procedure. But the main difference between traditional liposuction and hydrolipo is the type of anesthesia that is used. While traditional lipo is performed in a surgical center with general anesthesia, hydrolipo is performed under local anesthesia, but sometimes with large doses.

Hydrolipo price

The price of hydrolipo varies depending on where it will be performed and the doctor who will perform the procedure. The price for surgery alone varies between 1500 and 3000 reais, but the costs of hospitalization, anesthesia and expenses with the plastic surgeon must also be added.

Risks of hydrolipo

When tumescent liposuction is performed by properly trained plastic surgeons, the chances of complications are minimal and to date there are no reports of cases of death related to this procedure, therefore it is considered a safe technique. But despite this, there is a risk of the formation of seromas, which are liquids accumulated near the scar site, which can be reabsorbed by the body or have to be removed by the doctor with the help of a syringe, days after surgery. Know the factors that favor the formation of the seroma and how to avoid it.

How hydrolipo is made

The hydrolipo must be done in a cosmetic surgery clinic or hospital, under local anesthesia, but always by the plastic surgeon who masters this technique. The person must remain awake throughout the procedure but will not be able to see what the doctors are doing, similar to what happens in a cesarean section, for example.

During surgery the doctor will introduce a liquid called Klein based on lidocaine at the aspiration site, along with other drugs that reduce bleeding and facilitate the removal of localized fat. Then you will insert a cannula, which will "suck" all the accumulated fat.

At the end of the aspiration of all the desired fat, the dressing is applied and the brace is placed and the person is taken to the room to recover. The average duration of tumescent liposuction varies between 2 and 2 and a half hours.

How is recovery after hydrolipo

In the postoperative period it is recommended that the person rest and make no effort, and depending on the recovery and the aspirated area, he can return to his normal activities within 3 to 20 days.

The diet should be light and foods rich in water and healing are more indicated, such as eggs and fish rich in omega 3. The person should leave the hospital bandaged and with a brace and this should only be removed for the bath, and should be placed again next.

Manual lymphatic drainage can be performed before surgery and after lipo being very useful to remove excess fluids that form after surgery and to reduce the risk of fibrosis, which are small hardened areas on the skin, giving a faster and pretty.

The ideal is to perform at least 1 session before surgery and after lipo, drainage should be performed daily for 3 weeks. After this period, drainage should be performed on alternate days for another 3 weeks. See step by step at: Lymphatic drainage.

After 6 weeks of liposuction there is no need to continue with manual lymphatic drainage and the person can remove the brace, returning to physical activity as well.

Best places to do

The most suitable places in the body to perform hydrolipo are the abdominal region, arms, inner thighs, chin (chin) and flanks, which is the fat that is on the side of the belly and on the back.

There are several clinics that perform this procedure throughout Brazil. Generally in large capitals, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre there are more than 1 clinic where surgery can be performed.

What is hydrolipo, how is it made and health risks