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Lichen planus: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment


Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease that can affect the skin, nails, scalp and even the mucous membranes of the mouth and genital region. This disease is characterized by reddish lesions, which may have small white stripes, with a wrinkled appearance, have a characteristic shine and are accompanied by intense itching and swelling.

Lichen planus lesions can develop slowly or appear suddenly, affecting men and women of any age and the cause is not well defined, but the appearance of these lesions is related to the reaction of the immune system and, therefore, is not contagious..

These skin lesions tend to disappear over time, however, if they do not improve, the dermatologist may recommend the use of corticosteroid drugs.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of lichen planus can vary from one person to another, however, lesions in the mouth, chest, arms, legs or genital region may appear with the following characteristics:

  • Pain; Reddish or purple coloration; Whitish spots; Itching; Burning.

This disease can also cause the appearance of sores and blisters in the mouth or genital region, hair loss, thinning of the nails and can generate symptoms very similar to other skin changes.

Thus, the diagnosis of lichen planus is made through a biopsy, which is the removal of a small part of the lesion to be analyzed in the laboratory. See more how skin biopsy is done and other situations where it is indicated.

Possible causes

The causes of lichen planus are not well defined, however, lesions are known to arise because the body's defense cells attack the skin and mucous membranes and can be triggered by exposure to chemicals and metals, to drugs based on quinacrine and quinidine and the hepatitis C virus.

In addition, skin lesions caused by lichen planus tend to appear suddenly, and often appear in stressful situations, and can last for weeks and disappear on their own. However, lichen planus is a chronic seasonal disease, that is, it has no cure and appears again and again.

What are the types

Lichen planus is a disease that affects the skin and can be divided into several types, depending on the location and characteristics of the lesions, such as:

  • hypertrophic lichen planus: characterized by red lesions similar to warts; linear lichen planus: appears as a red or purple line on the skin; bullous lichen planus: consists of the appearance of bubbles or vesicles around the lesions; nail lichen planus: it is the type that reaches the nail region, leaving them weak and brittle; pigmentary lichen planus: appears after sun exposure, usually does not itch and is visible by the gray color of the skin.

This disease can also reach the scalp, causing hair breakage and scarring, and regions of the genital mucosa, esophagus, tongue and mouth. Check out other symptoms of lichen planus in the mouth and what treatment is indicated.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for lichen planus is recommended by a dermatologist and is based on the use of medications to relieve itching, such as antiallergics and corticosteroid ointments, such as 0.05% clobetasol propionate, and techniques with phototherapy. Find out more about how lichen planus is treated.

As lichen planus is a chronic disease and can reoccur even after treatment, the doctor often recommends the use of antidepressants and follow-up with a psychologist.

And yet, it is possible to adopt some homemade measures to alleviate the symptoms, such as avoiding the use of perfumed soaps and lotions, using cotton underwear and applying cold compresses to the itchy place. In addition, some studies reveal that green tea can help reduce skin lesions caused by oral lichen planus.

Lichen planus: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment