Home Symptoms Eating sausages increases cholesterol and cancer risk

Eating sausages increases cholesterol and cancer risk


Foods such as sausage, sausage and bacon can cause cancer because they are smoked, and the substances present in the smoke of the smoking process, preservatives such as nitrites and nitrates. These chemicals act by irritating the intestinal wall and causing minor damage to cells, and the daily consumption of about 50g of these types of meat already increases the chances of developing cancer in the intestine, especially colorectal cancer.

In addition, a diet rich in sausages and low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains contains few fibers, which slows down the intestine and makes the carcinogens of these meats stay in contact with the intestine longer.

What are processed meats

Processed meats, also known as sausages, are bacon, sausage, sausage, ham, bologna, salami, tinned meat, turkey breast and turkey blanquet.

Processed meat is any type of meat that has been processed by salting, curing, fermenting, smoking and other processes or adding chemical compounds to enhance flavor, color or increase its validity.

Health risks

Frequent consumption of processed meats can be harmful to health because they are rich in chemical compounds added by the industry or formed during their processing, such as nitrites, nitrates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These compounds cause damage to cells in the intestine, which can lead to changes in DNA and the consequent appearance of cancer.

In addition, these meats are often eaten with unhealthy foods, such as white breads, refined oils like soy oil or hydrogenated fat, and soft drinks in general, foods that increase the risk of obesity and diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes and problems heart attacks.

Recommended quantity

According to the WHO, consumption of 50g of processed meat per day increases the risk of developing cancer, especially colorectal cancer. This amount is equivalent to about 2 slices of bacon, 2 slices of ham or 1 sausage per day, for example.

Thus, the ideal is to avoid consuming these foods on a regular basis, replacing them with natural meats such as chicken, fish, eggs, red meats and cheeses.

Check out a list of other potentially cancerous foods

Foods that have components that are associated with the development of cancer are:

  • Pickles can also contain nitrites and nitrates to help preserve and flavor foods, which irritate the intestinal wall and cause changes in cells, causing cancer; Smoked meat, because the smoke used during the smoking of meat is rich in tar, a carcinogenic substance similar to that of cigarette smoke; Very salty foods, such as sun-dried meat and beef jerky, as more than 5 g of salt per day can damage stomach cells and cause cellular changes that lead to the appearance of tumors; Sodium cyclamate sweetener, present in sweeteners and light or diet foods, such as soft drinks and yogurts, as the excess of this substance increases the risk of problems such as allergies and cancer.

Fried foods can also increase the risk of cancer, because when the oil reaches temperatures above 180ºC, heterocyclic amines are formed, substances that stimulate the formation of tumors.

Learn the myths and truth about red and white meat and make the best health choices.

Eating sausages increases cholesterol and cancer risk