Home Symptoms Psoriasis diet: what to eat and what to avoid

Psoriasis diet: what to eat and what to avoid


Food is a great help in the treatment of psoriasis because it helps to reduce the number of attacks and the severity of the lesions that appear on the skin, also controlling inflammation and skin irritation, which are the main symptoms of the disease.

This food is an excellent complement to the treatment indicated by the dermatologist, but it should not replace medical treatment that may include the use of shampoos, ointments or tablets. Know the main treatment options available for psoriasis.

Here we indicate what can be eaten more frequently and also what to avoid, but it is always advisable to consult a nutritionist to adapt the diet to the specific needs of each case.

Allowed foods

Foods that have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect are recommended, as they can improve the clinical condition of the disease. Foods that are allowed and can be eaten more regularly include:

1. Whole grains

These foods are considered low glycemic index carbohydrates, as well as being sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Low glycemic index foods can decrease the inflammatory condition and, consequently, the symptoms of psoriasis.

Examples: whole grain breads, whole or egg-based pasta, brown or parabolized rice, corn, oats.

2. Fish

Fish are sources of omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that have high anti-inflammatory activity, in addition to being rich in B vitamins, vitamin A and minerals such as selenium. This helps to reduce the appearance of plaques, erythema, flaking and itching.

Examples: give preference to tuna, sardines or salmon.

3. Seeds

In addition to being rich in fiber, they also offer a good supply of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, selenium and magnesium, for example. They help to prevent the inflammatory process and decrease symptoms of the disease.

Examples: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, chia and others

4. Fruits

Varying fruit consumption a day increases the amount of fiber in the diet, in addition to ensuring a good intake of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamins C and E, potassium, magnesium and even flavonoids. The consumption of vitamins helps to repair skin lesions.

Examples: orange, lemon, acerola, kiwi, banana, avocado, mango, papaya, grape, blackberry, raspberry.

5. Vegetables and greens

They offer a good supply of fiber, and are sources of vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid. These act as antioxidants, reducing inflammation and consequently the symptoms of psoriasis

Examples: carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, spinach, kale and broccoli.

6. Oils and olive oils

Oils and oils are a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the good fat that helps to slow down the inflammatory process. Some of them are still sources of vitamin E as an example vegetable oils.

Examples: extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil.

Foods to Avoid

Foods that should be avoided are those that stimulate the increase in inflammation, increasing the appearance of new crises or, worsening symptoms such as itching and skin irritation. So you should avoid:

  • Red meats and fried foods: these foods increase the consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, favoring inflammation and increasing the chance of triggering the disease. Sugar and white flour: sweets, white breads and cookies. They are considered carbohydrates of high glycemic index and, the higher the glycemic index of the diet, the greater the risk of developing inflammatory diseases, as is the case of psoriasis. Embedded and processed foods: foods with many additives, processed and processed, such as ham, sausages, salami, among others, should be avoided. This keeps the body free of toxins, which can lead to healthier skin and less damage.

In addition, alcoholic beverages should also be avoided, as they can increase itching and hinder the correct absorption of medications prescribed by the doctor for the treatment of psoriasis.

Sample 3-day menu

Below is an example of a menu that can be followed to help prevent the onset of psoriasis:


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Skimmed yogurt + 4 strawberries + cereal + 1 whole toast

Glass of skim milk + 1 slice of wholemeal bread + 2 slices of white cheese

Oatmeal porridge with skimmed milk + seed mix

Morning snack

½ papaya papaya + 1 col. oat soup

1 apple + 3 chestnuts

1 low-fat yogurt

Lunch dinner

1 grilled chicken fillet + 3 col. (soup) of brown or parabolic rice + 1 bean scoop + mix of green leaves with tomatoes + 1 orange

1 can of tuna + wholemeal pasta with red sauce + green salad mix with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil + grapes

Boiled fish with vegetables + 3 col. (soup) brown rice + vegetable salad seasoned with extra virgin olive oil + 1 apple

Afternoon snack

Glass of skim milk + 1 slice of wholemeal bread + 2 slices of white cheese

Skimmed milk shake with banana + 1 col. (soup) flaxseed

Avocado cream with skimmed milk + cereals

Regardless of the suggested menu, it is always a good option to look for a nutritionist to adapt the needs of each person.

Watch the video and learn more about home care you can take to treat skin with psoriasis:

Psoriasis diet: what to eat and what to avoid