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5 Ways to Combat Summer Heat


Combating heat and increasing body temperature is very important in summer, as it avoids several serious complications, such as dehydration or heat stroke, and diseases such as rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma, as well as rash.

For this, there are some simple and practical tips that can be done daily to promote health and well-being, taking advantage of all the benefits of this time of year, without taking risks.

These tips are especially important for groups most sensitive to temperature rise, such as children and the elderly:

1. Drink water

When it is very hot, the body sweats more and therefore there is a greater loss of water. In these cases, you should drink about 2 to 3 liters of water or other unsweetened liquids, during the day, to avoid dehydration and to refresh the body.

Discover other benefits of drinking at least 2 liters of water a day.

2. Avoid sun exposure

Especially on summer days, direct exposure to the sun should be avoided, especially in the period of greatest heat, which tends to be between 12 and 16 hours. Thus, one should prefer places with shade, in addition to wearing a hat or cap and light clothes, to protect the skin, and sunglasses, to protect the eyes.

It is also important to apply sunscreen about 15 minutes before leaving the house and to repeat the application every 2 hours, especially if you spend the day most exposed to the sun, such as when you are at the beach or by the pool.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables

Another good way to combat heat is to avoid eating hot foods, such as soups and heavy cooking, and prefer fruits, vegetables and raw vegetables rich in water such as lettuce, chayote, cucumber, radish, turnip, tomato, cauliflower, watermelon, melon, pineapple, apple, carrot, banana, guava and egg white, for example.

These foods, in addition to refreshing, also help to prevent dehydration, as they have high amounts of water in their composition. Check out in this video the amount of water in some of these foods:

4. Avoid alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic drinks increase the loss of water by the body and can quickly cause dehydration, especially if they are ingested on very hot days. For this reason, one should avoid drinking these drinks.

However, if alcoholic beverages are ingested, it is very important to increase your water intake by a proportion of one glass for each alcoholic beverage ingested, to avoid dehydration and hangover symptoms. Learn how to cure a hangover fast.

5. Avoid indoor locations

On very hot days, you should also avoid staying indoors and without ventilation or with insufficient ventilation.

Air conditioning can be a problem in the summer as it increases the presence of bacteria, viruses or mites in the air and removes moisture from the air, aggravating allergies. Therefore, air conditioning filters should be cleaned frequently, using a vaporizer, or placing a pan or bucket of water to humidify the air, thus avoiding breathing problems.

5 Ways to Combat Summer Heat