Home Bulls Ocular cellulitis

Ocular cellulitis


Orbit cellulitis is the inflammation or infection that is located in the face cavity where the eye and its attachments are inserted, such as muscles, nerves, blood vessels and lacrimal apparatus, which may reach its orbital (septal) part, which is more internal, or periorbital, in the eyelid region (pre-septal).

Although it is not contagious, this disease is caused by a bacterial infection, by bacteria that colonize the skin after a stroke or by the extension of a nearby infection, such as sinusitis, conjunctivitis or tooth abscess, for example, and causes symptoms such as pain, swelling and difficulty moving the eye.

It is more common in babies and children around 4 to 5 years of age, due to the greater delicacy of the structures that surround the eye, such as a thinner and porous bone wall. Treatment should be carried out as soon as possible, with antibiotics in the vein and, if necessary, with surgery to remove the secretion and tissues, preventing the infection from spreading to deeper regions, and may even reach the brain.

Main causes

This infection happens when a micro-organism reaches the eye region, mainly due to the enlargement of a neighboring infection, such as:

  • Injury in the ocular region; Insect sting; Conjunctivitis; Sinusitis; Tooth abscess; Other infections of the upper airways, skin or lacrimal channels.

The microorganisms responsible for the infection depend on the person's age, health status and previous infection, the main ones being Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococci pyogenes and Moraxella catarrhalis.

How to confirm

To diagnose ocular cellulitis, the ophthalmologist will observe the main signs and symptoms, but may also order tests such as blood count and blood culture, to identify the degree of infection and the microorganism, in addition to computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the region of the orbits and of the face, to identify the extent of the lesion and exclude other possible causes.

Also, check out what are the main causes of puffiness in the eyes.

Most common symptoms

Symptoms of cellulite in the eye include:

  • Eye swelling and redness; Fever; Pain and difficulty in moving the eye; Displacement or eye protrusion; Headache; Vision change.

As the infection worsens, if not treated quickly, it can become severe and reach neighboring regions and cause complications such as orbit abscess, meningitis, loss of vision due to optic nerve involvement, and even generalized infection and death.

How the treatment is done

To treat cellulitis in the eye, it is necessary to receive antibiotics in the vein, such as Ceftriaxone, Vancomycin or Amoxicillin / Clavulonate, for example, for about 3 days, and to continue the treatment with antibiotics orally at home, complementing a total of 8 to 20 days of treatment, which varies according to the severity of the infection and whether there are other associated infections, such as sinusitis.

It is also necessary to use analgesic and antipyretic drugs to relieve pain and fever. In addition, drainage surgery can be indicated in cases of orbital abscess, optic nerve compression or when there is no improvement in the condition after the initial treatment.

Ocular cellulitis