Home Symptoms Mental tiredness: main symptoms and how to fight

Mental tiredness: main symptoms and how to fight


Mental fatigue, also known as mental fatigue, happens when the brain becomes overloaded due to the excess of information captured during the day, either due to work or the stimuli and news that arrive through social and information networks, for example. Thus, there is deregulation of the nervous system and increased concentration in the blood of the stress-related hormone, cortisol, resulting in mental tiredness.

Mental tiredness can be perceived through some signs and symptoms that the body can give, such as pain for the body, discouragement, decreased productivity, difficulty concentrating and excessive worry, for example. Therefore, as soon as signs and symptoms of burnout begin to appear, it is important to rest or do some activity that stimulates the feeling of well-being, such as physical activity, for example.

Signs and symptoms of mental tiredness

The signs and symptoms of mental tiredness are a way of indicating that the body is overloaded and that the person needs to rest. The main signs and symptoms indicative of mental tiredness are:

  • Lack of concentration; Excessive tiredness; Pains in the body; Difficulty memorizing; Changes in mood; Lack of energy; Difficulty in performing daily tasks; Decreased libido; Loss of appetite; Disinterest in activities that were previously considered pleasurable; Difficulty to sleep and insomnia; Anguish; Discouragement; Decreased motivation and productivity.

It is important that as soon as the signs of mental burnout appear, the person respects the signs and rests, because otherwise it can overload the brain even more and result in migraine and depression, for example.

Main causes

Mental tiredness can happen as a result of any situation that keeps the brain always active. Routine work, excessive worries and a high level of demands, both personally and professionally, are frequent causes of mental exhaustion.

In addition, frequent exposure to various stimuli from social networks or the media, overwork without vacation periods and psychological changes such as depression or anxiety can also result in mental tiredness.

How to fight mental tiredness

The best way to combat mental tiredness is to relax and sleep at least 8 hours a day, in addition to eating healthy and balanced. Some other tips to combat mental tiredness are:

  • Relax before bed, taking a hot bath or hot tea; Drink plenty of water during the day; Have fun with friends and family; Get a massage; Take a vacation; Get regular exercise and hiking; Avoid taking work home; Seek help from a psychologist.

In addition, it is important to have a balanced and healthy diet, rich vegetables, legumes and fruits. Some foods, such as bananas, avocados, peanuts and honey have properties that help to combat tiredness and improve mood, relieving symptoms of mental tiredness. See more about what to eat to combat mental fatigue.

The use of vitamin and mineral supplements is also an option to combat mental tiredness, however it is important that the supplements are indicated by the nutritionist or the doctor. In addition, the consumption of natural stimulants, such as guarana powder or guarana capsule, is also effective in stimulating the functioning of the brain, making the person more active. However, the effect of the stimulant is temporary and, therefore, it is likely that the person will again feel mentally exhausted.

Find out in the video below some foods that help fight mental tiredness:

Mental tiredness: main symptoms and how to fight