Home Home-Remedies 4 Meditation techniques to control anxiety

4 Meditation techniques to control anxiety


Meditation helps to relieve stress and anxiety and many of the techniques can be practiced anywhere or anytime. During meditation, concentration increases and some confused thoughts that can be the source of stress can be alleviated.

Meditation techniques, if practiced correctly, contribute to promoting greater physical and emotional well-being, balance and inner peace.

1. Mindfulness

Also known as mindfulness meditation, it is a type of meditation that aims to focus the mind on the present moment, away from thoughts of the past or the future.

Thus, this technique helps to combat excessive reactions due to the current lifestyle, also helping to reduce depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and drug addiction. In addition, it improves concentration and also contributes to the improvement of blood pressure and the strengthening of the immune system.

There are several ways to practice mindfulness , which can be done in moments of relaxation, while working or even on the move. Here's how to practice mindfulness .

2. Transcendental meditation

This is a technique that helps the body to relax and allows the mind to be brought to a purer state of consciousness, free of thoughts and without mental control.

Transcendental meditation should be guided by a certified instructor, who grants the person a personalized mantra and explains how to perform this technique, which, once learned, should be practiced for about 20 minutes, twice a day.

This type of meditation has numerous benefits for the person who practices it, such as reduced anxiety, stress and depression, improved memory, increased creativity, reduced insomnia, decreased anger and reduced blood pressure and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

3. Yoga

In addition to reducing anxiety, yoga has several health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and stress, reducing pain in the body and spine and improving balance. Discover other health benefits of yoga.

This technique works the body and mind in an interconnected way, increasing flexibility and helping to synchronize movements with breathing. Exercises can be performed at home or at a yoga center.

4. Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese martial art, which is practiced with movements that are performed slowly and in silence, stimulating concentration and tranquility. This technique has benefits such as strengthening muscles, improving balance, decreasing muscle tension and reducing anxiety, stress and depression. See more benefits of this technique.

Tai Chi Chuan must be guided by a professional and is usually performed in group classes and must be practiced regularly in order to enjoy its benefits.

4 Meditation techniques to control anxiety