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Baby growth at 8 months


The 8-month-old baby is already preparing to walk and is beginning to understand what is happening around him, as he already responds when they call his name and move very well.

He misses his mother a lot and when she is not around, as soon as he gets home, he can go looking for her. At this stage his favorite game is to do everything to stand up and be able to walk alone and crawl very well, being able to crawl back and forth with great skill. He likes to open drawers and boxes and try to stay inside them.

See when your baby may have hearing problems at: How to identify if your baby does not hear well

Baby weight at 8 months

Boy Girl
Weight 8.4 kg 8.2 kg
Height 68 cm 67 cm
Head size 44.5 cm 43.5 cm
Chest circumference 44.5 cm 43.5 cm
Monthly weight gain 450 g

Baby development at 8 months

The baby with 8 months, usually, can sit alone, get up with help and is crawling. Despite screaming to get attention, the 8-month-old baby strangers the lap of strangers and throws a tantrum because he is very attached to his mother, not enjoying being alone. He already transfers the objects from hand to hand, pulls his hair, begins to understand the word no and makes sounds like "give-give" and "shovel-shovel".

At 8 months, the baby's upper and lower incisor teeth may appear, the baby usually screams to get the attention of others and does not like them to change their routine. The baby is also not very well when moving furniture or leaving him with strangers and therefore if it is necessary to move house, at this stage, emotional shock will be possible and the baby may be more restless, insecure and tearful.

The 8-month-old baby who is not crawling may have developmental delay and should be evaluated by the pediatrician.

The baby at this stage does not like to be quiet and babbles at least 2 words and is sad when he realizes that the mother is going out or that he will not go with her. Looking into the baby's eyes while playing and talking to him is very important for his mental and social development.

The 8-month-old baby can go to the beach as long as he is wearing sunscreen, a sun hat, drink lots of water and is in the shade, protected from the sun during the hottest hours. The ideal is to have a parasol to avoid direct sunlight.

Watch the video to learn what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

Baby sleep at 8 months

The baby's sleep at 8 months is calmer because the baby can sleep up to 12 hours a day divided into two periods.

Play for baby 8 months

The 8-month-old baby likes to play in the bath, because he loves floating toys.

Baby feeding at 8 months

When feeding an 8-month-old baby, you can:

  • Offer 6 meals a day; Offer chopped food, cookies and bread for the baby to bite; Let the baby hold the bottle alone; Do not give unhealthy food, such as fried food, treats to the baby.

The 8-month-old baby can eat mocotó jelly and fruit gelatin, but the gelatin should have 1 or 2 teaspoons of cream or dulce de leche because the gelatin is not very nutritious. The baby can also drink natural, non-industrialized passion fruit juice and cannot eat "danoninho" because this yogurt has dyes that are bad for the baby. See other recommendations at: Baby feeding - 8 months.

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Baby growth at 8 months