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Lymphatic drainage in the face


To perform lymphatic drainage on the face, one must follow a step by step that begins near the collarbone and goes up little by little, through the neck, around the mouth, cheeks, corner of the eyes and finally, on the forehead. This is important so that toxins accumulated throughout the phase can actually be eliminated through the lymphatic system.

This massage is very indicated to improve the appearance of the skin, leaving it more clean and luminous, eliminate the swelling of the face after epilation, to relieve pain and discomfort after a consultation with the dentist and especially after plastic surgery on the ears, mouth, eyes or nose because it works by reducing bruises, edema, and the bags under the eyes that tend to get swollen after surgery, reducing recovery time.

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7 Steps of facial lymphatic drainage

Facial drainage can be performed by the person himself, facing the mirror, being easy to perform, however, the steps indicated below must be followed in order to have the expected effect.

1. Stimulating the venous angle

Stimulation of the venous angle

Lymph nodes of the neck, chin and ear

Facial lymphatic drainage must begin in the neck with circular or pressure movements with the fingertips in the region just above the clavicles, slowly and steadily, making circular movements 6 to 10 times. The stimulation of this region is essential to stimulate the venous angle, which is responsible for redirecting the lymph into the bloodstream, close to the heart.

2. Drainage from the neck

  • Drain the lateral region of the neck, with circular movements, that start from the closest part of the neck, pressing on the sternocleidomastoid muscle; Drain also the neck region, as if it were 'pushing' the lymph from the whole neck to the collarbone.

3. Draining the chin and mouth

  • Position the tips of the index and middle fingers on the central part of the chin and perform circular movements, 6-10 times; Position the fingertips under the lower lip, sliding the fingers to the base of the chin; With circular movements that start in the corner of the mouth, bring the lymph to the center of the chin; position the fingers between the base of the nose and the upper lip, and with circular movements direct the lymph towards the center of the chin, bypassing the mouth.

Neck drainage

Drainage in the cheeks and nose

4. Drain from the cheeks and nose

  • Place the fingers close to the ears and with circular movements press this region 6 to 10 times, gently; Place the fingertips on the side of the cheek, draining towards the ear; Position the fingertips on the side of the nose and with circular movements direct the lymph to the corner of the ears; Position the fingertips under the lower eyelid and with circular movements slide until the proximity of the ears.

5. Drain the eyes

  • Place your fingers on the side of your face, and with circles slide from the outer corner of the eye to the back of the ears; Position your fingers on the upper eyelid and in circular movements, direct the lymph towards the ears; Stimulate again proximity to the ears (auricular ganglia).

Forehead drainage

6. Draining the forehead

  • Position the fingertips in the center of the forehead, in close proximity to the eyebrows and with circular movements direct the lymph towards the ears; Finally, stimulate again the part close to the ears and the upper part of the collarbones.

7. Stimulating the venous angle

At the end, the venous angle stimulus should be repeated with pressure movements with the fingertips in cycles of 5-7 repetitions.

The duration of the facial lymphatic drainage is relatively fast, it can take about 10 minutes, but despite the person being able to do it himself, better results are observed if the technique is performed by a professional, especially when it is indicated after a plastic surgery. on the face or head.

When to perform lymphatic drainage on the face

Facial lymphatic drainage is indicated especially when the face is swollen, a common situation that can happen:

  • During the menstrual period; After dental treatment such as canal or tooth extraction; In case of fluid retention; When sleeping less than 5 or more than 8 hours; After crying; Injuries or trauma to the face; In case of flu, rhinitis or sinusitis; After head or neck surgery; After plastic surgery on the face or neck.

The face can also be swollen, more sensitive and reddish after shaving the fluff, face or eyebrow and this technique helps to reduce these effects, making the skin more beautiful, favoring the penetration of cosmetics applied to the skin. In addition, when removing toxins and excess liquid from the face, makeup is better and more adhered to the skin.

Facial lymphatic drainage has benefits for people of all ages including teenagers, with acne problems, as it promotes the reduction and control of pimples, maintaining the appearance of a clean and young skin for longer. However, this facial massage should be performed with caution in case of cancer and should not be performed in case of severe acne with grades 3 or 4 and when there are open wounds on the face, due to the risk of being infected.

See the steps necessary to perform lymphatic drainage in the body.

Lymphatic drainage in the face