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How to clean the genitals in boys


To clean the boys' genital region, the skin covering the glans, known as the foreskin, should not be pulled and hygiene can be done during the bath, as long as the region is not too dirty and does not contaminate the water.

Whenever possible, especially in the case of babies, one should choose to use only warm water because the skin is very sensitive. In some cases, you can use hygiene products, such as glycerin soap or specific for intimate hygiene, especially when the region is dirty with feces.

Technique for hygiene of the genitals

To clean the genital area in the boy, the displaced foreskin region of the glans should be cleaned without forcing and pulling back the skin covering the glans, especially in babies, because it can hurt and, in case it is necessary to pull the foreskin should be done by the doctor since when pulled in an improper way the skin can be torn, and when it heals it becomes more fibrous, which can lead to a surgical intervention. In addition, the skin should be dried very well, especially in the folds without scraping.

In the case of babies using a diaper, it is essential to close the diaper, always keeping the corners taut without getting too loose or too tight. In the case of boys, cotton underwear that is not too tight should be worn.

When to perform genital hygiene

The cleaning of the genitals must be careful, but not obsessive, being performed at least once a day in children who no longer use diapers, for example.

However, in the case of babies, the genital area must be cleaned every time the diaper is changed, which can happen between 5 to 10 times a day.

When the baby makes only urine, running warm water or a wet wipe can be used, which can also be used to clean the stool carefully so as not to hurt the baby.

How to keep your genital skin clean

To keep the skin of the genital area clean and free of rashes, you should avoid using wet wipes every time you change your diaper because they have too many chemicals that dry out and irritate the skin.

In addition, the skin should not be rubbed because it can hurt and in the case of the baby it can be left without a diaper for a few minutes of the day for the skin to breathe.

When to use diaper rash cream

Ointments for diaper rash should only be used when the skin is red and irritated and not to prevent this alteration because they can make the skin more sensitive and more prone to diaper rash.

See how to give the baby a complete bath.

How to clean the genitals in boys