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How to do the supermarket and stick to the diet


To make healthy purchases at the supermarket and stick to your diet, it is important to follow tips such as taking the shopping list, preferring fresh produce and avoiding buying frozen food.

In addition, to make good choices and still save at the end of the month, you should follow the supermarket promotions and avoid buying in large quantities to stock up on products at home, especially those that you don’t use often or that spoil quickly, like special sauces and yogurts.

Here are 7 tips for making good choices when shopping.

1. Shopping list

Making the shopping list is a well-known tip, but few people follow it. In addition to avoiding forgetfulness, the list is important to focus on the products that are really necessary and that were designed to maintain a healthy diet.

In addition to taking the list, one should strive to buy only the planned products, resisting the temptation to treats, even if they are on sale.

2. Eat before you go

Eating before going to the supermarket helps to avoid hunger-induced purchases, which usually influence the individual to choose tasty products, rich in sugar and fat.

Thus, the ideal is to go shopping after a big meal, such as lunch or dinner, which bring a greater feeling of satiety and keep hunger away for longer.

3. Avoid taking your children

Children are impulsive and have no control over their desires, causing parents to take home unplanned and unhealthy products.

Thus, shopping without the little ones helps to save money and contributes to a better feeding of them too, because if only good choices were made in the supermarket, they will also eat healthier.

4. Read the label

Although it seems difficult at first, reading the food label is simple and makes it easier to choose the best product. In order to evaluate, one must mainly observe the amount of fat, sugar and sodium on the labels, comparing products of the same gender and choosing the one with the lowest amount of these nutrients. Here's how to read food labels to make the right choice in this video:

5. Prefer fresh products

Preferring fresh products that spoil more quickly, such as fruits, vegetables, white cheeses and natural yogurts, is a tip that helps to reduce the consumption of preservatives, dyes and additives that the industry uses to increase the shelf life of foods and that cause inflammation and fluid retention.

In addition, fresh products have a greater amount of vitamins and minerals, nutrients needed to keep metabolism active and favor weight loss.

6. Try new products

Leaving the comfort zone and trying new natural and whole products helps to vary the diet and bring more nutrients to the diet.

With the change in eating habits, healthy foods are naturally attractive, but to help in this process, the goal of buying a new healthy food at least once a month should be set.

7. Avoid sweets, frozen and processed

Avoid buying sweets, frozen and processed products such as bacon, sausage, sausage, diced meat broths and frozen ready food, it makes it easier to keep the diet at home.

The main advantage is better control of what is eaten bad, because if there are no foods rich in sugar and fats at home, it becomes easier to resist when the urge hits. See 3 tips to decrease sugar consumption.

How to do the supermarket and stick to the diet