Home Bulls How to identify bronchitis in the baby and what to do

How to identify bronchitis in the baby and what to do


Bronchitis in the baby corresponds to the inflammation of the bronchi, which are structures that reach the lungs, which can be perceived through constant dry cough or with mucus, fever and excessive tiredness of the child.

Bronchitis is usually the result of infection by viruses or bacteria and must be diagnosed by the pediatrician, who recommends the best type of treatment according to the symptoms presented by the baby, and a cough medicine or to lower the fever, for example, may be recommended.

Main symptoms

Bronchitis in the baby can be identified from the appearance of some symptoms, such as:

  • Dry or mucous cough; Difficulty breathing; Weakness; Tiredness and irritability; Malaise; Vomiting; Fever, in some cases.

The diagnosis of bronchitis is made by the pediatrician through auscultation of the lungs, in which the doctor hears a small noise that is called bronchospasm.

Bronchitis in the baby most often happens due to an infection with a virus and lasts a few weeks, being called acute bronchitis. On the other hand, bronchitis is considered chronic in the baby when the symptoms last for at least 3 months, being usually caused by recurrent infections, pollution, allergies and asthma, for example.

What to do

If the baby has symptoms of bronchitis, the most recommended is to take him to the pediatrician so that the correct diagnosis can be made and treatment started. It is important that the baby is at rest, rest as much as possible and stay well hydrated, as this makes recovery faster.

Usually, the doctor does not indicate the use of antibiotics, even if the bronchitis is caused by a virus. In most cases, the use of Paracetamol is recommended if the baby has a fever, and an antitussive when the cough is dry. When mucus is produced, the doctor generally does not recommend this type of medicine, as it is important for the baby to release the mucus that is obstructing the respiratory system. Check out how to unblock the babies' nose.

In addition to keeping the baby hydrated and at rest, it is interesting to leave the baby's head a little higher when lying down, as it makes breathing a little easier, and to give foods that strengthen the child's immune system, such as fruits and vegetables for example. Here's how to boost your baby's immunity.

How to identify bronchitis in the baby and what to do