Home Bulls Mini abdominoplasty: what it is and post-operative

Mini abdominoplasty: what it is and post-operative


Mini abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery that helps remove a small amount of fat located in the lower part of the belly, between the navel and the intimate region, being especially indicated for those who are thin and have accumulated fat in that region or have a lot of flaccidity and stretch marks, for example.

This surgery is similar to abdominoplasty, but it is less complex, has a faster recovery and has few scars, as only a small cut is made in the belly, without moving the navel or having to sew the abdominal muscles.

Surgery price

Mini abdominoplasty costs approximately between 3 and 5 thousand reais, but the amount may vary according to the selected clinic, the surgeon, the length of stay and the type of anesthesia used.

How it is done

Mini abdominoplasty can be performed under general or epidural anesthesia, lasting an average of 2 hours. After that, the plastic surgeon makes a cut on the lower part of the belly, which is usually small, but which can be larger, the larger the area to be treated. Through this cut, the surgeon is able to burn the excess fat and eliminate the localized fat that was changing the contour of the belly.

Finally, the excess skin is removed and sutured, stretching the entire skin and reducing the sagging that existed at the bottom of the belly.

How is recovery

The postoperative period of mini abdominoplasty is faster than a classic abdominoplasty, however it is still necessary to have some similar care, such as:

  • Wear an abdominal belt all day long, for a period of approximately 30 days; Avoid efforts in the first month; Stay slightly bent forward during the first 15 days to avoid reopening the stitches; Sleep on your back for the first 15 days;

It is usually possible to return to day-to-day activities about 1 month after surgery, and it is important to perform at least 20 sessions of manual lymphatic drainage on intercalated days beginning about 3 days after surgery. See how to recover well at: Post-operative abdominoplasty.

Possible risks of surgery

Mini abdominoplasty is a very safe surgery, however, it has some risks such as:

  • Scar infection; Stitch reopening; Seroma formation; Bruising.

To reduce this type of risk, surgery must be performed with a qualified and credited surgeon, as well as following all recommendations for the pre and postoperative period.

Mini abdominoplasty: what it is and post-operative