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Jet tanning: understand how it's done


Jet tanning, also known as spray tanning, is a great option for naturally tanned skin, and it can be done as many times as the person deems necessary, as it has no contraindications and no risk to health.

Previously, artificial tanning was done in tanning beds, however its use was banned by ANVISA in 2009 due to health risks, such as burns, skin aging, vision problems and even increasing the risk. of skin cancer. See more about the risks of artificial tanning.

How jet tanning is done

Jet tanning or spray tanning is a way of getting your skin tanned without being exposed to the sun, and it should be done in beauty clinics, because it is possible to have better control of the level of bronze you want to obtain. It is important that before performing the procedure, the person removes all accessories and makeup, besides it is important to exfoliate the skin at least 6 hours before tanning to remove the dead cells present in the skin and, thus, guarantee more lasting results.

In addition, in case the person wants to do hair removal or lightening, the recommendation is that this should be done at least 48 hours before jet tanning. It is also indicated that before the procedure the person takes a bath using a neutral soap.

At the aesthetics clinic, the tanning product is placed in a container that is coupled to a compressor, with the product being sprayed homogeneously on the skin. The product has in its composition a substance called dihydroxyacetone, or DHA, which reacts with the cells present in the skin and leads to the production of a pigment responsible for tanning the skin, melanoidin, which does not provide protection to the skin, only makes it more tanned..

After applying the product, it is important that the person does not put on the clothes in the next 20 minutes, to avoid stains, and that he does not bathe in the next 7 hours. This is because the product continues to act on the skin for about 7 hours and, if removed before, the effect may not be as expected. It is also important that the person always keeps the skin hydrated after jet tanning and avoid taking hot baths and using body oils, as this way it is possible to keep the tan for longer.

It is also important that the person uses sunscreen, because the pigment produced does not provide protection against the sun's rays, which can lead to the appearance of spots on the skin, for example.

Disadvantages of jet tanning

Despite being a practical and quick way to have tanned skin, the results of jet tanning are not very long-lasting and can also stain towels and clothes, even if the product has already dried and the person has followed the recommendations given by the clinic. aesthetics, such as skin hydration, for example.

This makes more jet tanning sessions necessary, which makes the procedure more expensive.

How to tan your skin naturally and for longer

To ensure that your skin is tanned for longer, one option is to use a self-tanner at home, as this makes it possible to control the bronze level throughout the day and, if the color is leaving, you can apply more cream without becoming more the procedure. Learn how to use the self-tanner correctly.

In addition, to keep your skin tanned, it is recommended to sunbathe using sunscreen, moisturize your skin well, regularly exfoliate and eat foods rich in beta-carotenes, such as carrots and beets, for example. Here's what to do to get a tan faster.

Jet tanning: understand how it's done