Home Symptoms Barotrauma: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Barotrauma: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Barotrauma is a situation in which there is the sensation of a plugged ear, headache or dizziness due to the pressure difference between the ear canal and the external environment, this situation being common in high altitude environments or during an airplane trip, for example.

Although ear barotrauma is more common, this situation can occur in other areas of the body that contain gas, such as the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, for example, and is also caused by the pressure difference between the internal and external compartments.

Barotrauma is usually treated with the use of analgesic drugs in order to relieve pain, but in more severe cases the otorhinolaryngologist or general practitioner may indicate that a surgical procedure should be performed to resolve the situation.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of barotrauma vary according to the affected site, the main ones being:

  • Dizziness; Nausea and vomiting; Sensation of plugged ear; Pain in the ear and tinnitus; Loss of hearing; Headache; Difficulty breathing; Loss of consciousness; Bleeding through the nose; Pain in the chest; Hoarseness.

Barotrauma can happen as a consequence of several situations that can lead to a sudden pressure difference, such as holding your breath, diving, traveling by plane, places with high altitudes and respiratory diseases, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, in which most of the time, mechanical ventilation is required.

The identification of barotrauma is made by the doctor according to the symptoms presented by the patient and the result of image tests, such as radiography and computed tomography, for example.

What is pulmonary barotrauma?

Pulmonary barotrauma happens due to the difference in gas pressure inside and outside the lung, mainly due to mechanical ventilation in people who have chronic respiratory diseases, but it can also happen after surgery and people who have asthma, for example.

The main symptoms related to pulmonary barotrauma are difficulty in breathing, chest pain and feeling of a full chest, for example. If barotrauma is not identified and treated, there may be rupture of the alveoli, for example, which can interfere with the person's quality of life.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for barotrauma is done according to the symptoms, and the use of decongestant medications and analgesics is usually indicated to reduce the symptoms. In addition, depending on the case, oxygen may be required in the case of respiratory symptoms.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend using oral corticosteroid medications or performing a surgical procedure to correct the problem.

Barotrauma: what it is, symptoms and treatment