Home Bulls Who takes contraceptives has a fertile period?

Who takes contraceptives has a fertile period?


Whoever takes contraceptives, every day, always at the same time, has no fertile period and, therefore, does not ovulate, decreasing the chance of becoming pregnant, because, as there is no mature egg, it cannot be fertilized. This occurs both in 21, 24 or 28 day contraceptives, and also in contraceptive implants.

Oral contraceptives inhibit ovulation, but also alter the uterine endometrium and cervical mucus, enhancing the prevention of pregnancy. However, if the woman forgets to take a pill, especially in the first week of the pack, there is a chance of becoming pregnant because she may ovulate and release an egg that upon meeting the sperm, which can survive inside the woman for 5 to 7 days, may be fertilized.

See how to use the pill and not get pregnant at: How to take the contraceptive correctly.

Is it possible to get pregnant by taking contraceptives?

Despite being a very effective contraceptive method, a woman can become pregnant by taking the contraceptive if:

1. Forgetting to take the pill every day at the same time. There are greater chances if forgetting happens in the first week of the card.

2. Take any medication that decreases the effectiveness of the pill, such as antibiotics, immunosuppressants and anticonvulsants, for example, because they cut off the pill's effect. See some examples in: Remedies that decrease the effectiveness of the pill.

3. Vomit or have diarrhea up to 2 hours after using the pill.

In these cases, pregnancy would be possible, as the woman may ovulate and, when having intercourse, the egg will be fertilized.

In addition, the pill has 1% failure and therefore it is possible to get pregnant even if you take the birth control pill correctly every month, but this does not happen often.

Here's how to calculate your fertile period:

How is the menstruation of those who take contraceptives

The menstruation that comes every month, for those who take the contraceptive, is not related to the "nest" prepared by the body to receive the baby, but rather, the result of hormonal deprivation during the interval between one pack and another.

This false menstruation tends to cause less colic and lasts less days, and thanks to the effectiveness of the birth control pill, you can have sex every day of the month, even during the days of pause between one pack and another, without taking the risk to get pregnant, as long as the pill is used correctly.

Those who take the contraceptive correctly may notice some change in the days before menstruation, such as sore breasts, increased irritability and body swelling, which are known as premenstrual tension - PMS, but these symptoms are milder than if the woman does not take the birth control pill.

Taking the contraceptive correctly does not exclude the need to use a condom during sex because only the condom protects against sexually transmitted diseases. See: What to do if you had sex without a condom.

Who takes contraceptives has a fertile period?