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Sexual activity in pregnancy: main doubts


Sexual activity during pregnancy is fundamental for the physical and mental health of both the woman and the couple, and can always be performed whenever the couple feels the need.

However, it is also important to remember that some pregnant women may show a decrease in sexual appetite, not only due to hormonal changes, but also to changes in the body itself, which end up leaving the woman more insecure. Thus, it is very important that the couple can talk openly about these issues, so that together they can overcome the difficulties that are identified.

Although sexual intercourse is encouraged in almost all pregnancies, there are some situations in which the obstetrician may ask for restraint, such as when the woman had an abnormal bleeding during pregnancy, has a previous placenta or is at high risk for premature delivery. Therefore, whenever there are doubts about the sexual act in pregnancy, consult the obstetrician.

Understand the situations in which intimate contact should be avoided during pregnancy.

3 main doubts about sex in pregnancy

To help couples build trust about sexual intercourse during pregnancy, we’ve put together some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic:

1. Can intercourse affect the baby?

Sexual contact does not harm the baby, as it is protected by the muscles of the uterus and the amniotic sac. In addition, the presence of a mucous plug in the cervix also prevents any microorganism or object from entering the uterus.

Sometimes, after intercourse, the baby may be more restless in the uterus, but this is only due to the increase in the mother's heart rate and slight contraction of the muscles of the uterus, not affecting the baby or its development.

2. What are the best sexual positions

In early pregnancy when the belly is still small, all sexual positions can be adopted as long as the woman feels comfortable. However when the belly grows there are positions that can be more comfortable:

  • On the side: standing sideways in the shell position can be one of the most comfortable positions for women, because in addition to the belly not disturbing them, they are also well supported on the mattress. In this position, placing a pillow under your hip can also be quite comfortable, as it can help you find the right position.

  • Above: adopting positions where you are on top of your partner, such as the position where you are mounted or sitting, are great options, which allow greater control in the depth and intensity of penetration, at the same time that make the belly not stay on the way disturbing.

  • From behind: adopting the "puppy" position or other positions in which the man does the penetration from behind are also great positions for periods where the belly is large, as they allow great freedom of movement. Another option is to lie with your butt very close to the edge of the bed, while your partner is standing or kneeling on the floor.

It is not always easy to find a position in which both are comfortable, especially due to the fear of hurting the belly and the baby. With patience and effort, the couple can find the best balance, while never failing to maintain sexual contact during pregnancy.

3. Is it necessary to use a condom?

The use of condoms is not necessary, as long as the partner does not have a sexually transmitted disease. Otherwise, the ideal is to use a male or female condom, not only to prevent the pregnant woman from being infected, but also so that the baby does not develop an infection.

Major changes in desire during pregnancy

Sexual activity can be seen in different ways throughout pregnancy, as both the body and the desire change over this period.

1st Quarter

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is normal to have fears and insecurities that sexual intercourse may harm the pregnancy or even cause abortion, and both women and men go through a period where there is fear and fear, with a decrease in the couple's desire.. In addition, this is also a quarter of changes in the body and many nausea and vomiting, which can also contribute to decreased desire.

2nd Quarter

Generally, sexual desire returns to normal in the second trimester of pregnancy, as there is already greater acceptance of the changes observed in the body. In addition, during this period hormones can lead to an increase in sexual appetite and since the belly is not very large yet, there is freedom to continue to adopt different positions.

3rd Quarter

In the third and last trimester of pregnancy, the desire remains but the couple may encounter some difficulties. During this period, there are positions that are uncomfortable due to the size of the belly, as she ends up changing the woman's center of gravity, which can leave her with less balance and more clumsy. During this period it is very important to try different positions, to find the one that is most comfortable for the couple. In addition, during this period, due to the size of the belly, the man may have some fears and fears of hurting the baby which may end up reducing the couple's desire.

Sex does not harm the baby, as it does not bother or hurt him, nor cause abortion, in addition, sex during pregnancy is even beneficial for both the mother and the baby, who feels the joy and satisfaction felt by the mother at those times. But it is only contraindicated by the doctor in risky situations, such as the risk of miscarriage or placental detachment, for example.

See the foods that increase libido and how to prepare an aphrodisiac meal in the following video:

How will sex be after childbirth

During the first 3 weeks after delivery or until the woman feels comfortable, it is not recommended to have sex, as the intimate area needs to recover and heal, especially after a normal delivery.

After this time of recovery, with the authorization of the doctor, it is recommended to resume regular intimate contact, but this can be a stressful and highly insecure period, as the woman will have to adapt to her new body. In addition, the newborn requires a lot of time and attention, which leaves parents exhausted and can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire in the early days.

In addition, after delivery, the woman's vaginal muscles may be weaker and the vagina may become “wider”, so it is very important to strengthen the muscles of that region through the practice of specific exercises. These are called kegel exercises, and in addition to strengthening the genital region, they can help women achieve greater sexual satisfaction.

Sexual activity in pregnancy: main doubts