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What is ulipristal acetate


The pill of the following 5 days Ellaone has ulipristal acetate in its composition, which is an emergency oral contraceptive, which can be taken for up to 120 hours, which is equivalent to 5 days, after unprotected intimate contact. This medicine can only be purchased upon presentation of a prescription.

Ellone is not a contraceptive method that can be used every month to prevent pregnancy, because it contains a lot of hormones that alter the female menstrual cycle. Although it is effective in most cases, it can be reduced if taken frequently.

Know the contraceptives available, to avoid taking the morning-after pill and prevent pregnancy.

What is it for

Ellaone is indicated to prevent unwanted pregnancies after unprotected intercourse, done without a condom or any other contraceptive method. The tablet should be taken immediately after intimate contact, up to a maximum of 5 days after unprotected intimate contact.

How to use

One Ellaone tablet should be taken immediately after intimate contact or up to a maximum of 120 hours, which is equivalent to 5 days, after intercourse without a condom or contraceptive failure.

If the woman vomits or has diarrhea within 3 hours of taking this medication, she must take another pill because the first pill may not have had time to take effect.

Possible side effects

Side effects that may arise after taking Ellaone include headache, nausea, abdominal pain, tenderness in the breasts, dizziness, fatigue and dysmenorrhea which is characterized by intense colic throughout menstruation.

Who should not use

This medication is contraindicated in case of pregnancy or allergy to any component of the formula.

Frequently asked questions

Does the morning-after pill cause an abortion?

No. This medicine prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus and has no action if this has already happened. In such cases, pregnancy continues normally, so this medication is not considered an abortion.

How is menstruation after this medication?

It is possible that menstruation will be darker and more abundant than normal due to the increased amount of hormones in the bloodstream. Menstruation can also come earlier or be delayed. If the person suspects pregnancy, they should perform a test that is purchased at the pharmacy.

How to avoid pregnancy after taking this medication?

After taking this medication, it is advisable to continue taking the birth control pill normally, finishing the pack and also using a condom in each sexual intercourse until the menstruation falls.

When can I start taking the birth control pill again?

The first pill of the birth control pill can be taken on the first day of menstruation. If the person has taken the contraceptive before, they should continue to take it normally.

Ellaone does not act as a regular contraceptive method and therefore if the person has any relationship after taking this medication, it may have no effect, and pregnancy may occur. To avoid unwanted pregnancies, contraceptive methods should be adopted that should be used regularly and not only in emergency situations.

Can I breastfeed after taking this medication?

Ellaone passes through breast milk and, for this reason, breastfeeding is not recommended for 7 days after taking it, because no studies have been carried out to prove the safety of the baby's health. The baby may be fed formula powder or mother's milk that has been removed and properly frozen before taking this medicine.

What is ulipristal acetate