Home Bulls Laser liposuction: how much it costs, how it works and post-op

Laser liposuction: how much it costs, how it works and post-op


Laser liposuction is a plastic surgery performed with the aid of laser equipment that aims to melt the deepest localized fat, then aspirating it. Although it is very similar to traditional liposuction, when the procedure is done with a laser, there is a better contour of the silhouette, since the laser causes the skin to produce more collagen, preventing it from becoming flabby.

The best results happen when there is an aspiration of fat after using the laser, but when there is little localized fat, the doctor can also advise that the fat is eliminated naturally by the body. In such cases, you should do a lymphatic massage to remove the fat or practice intense physical exercise right after, for example.

When fat is aspirated, surgery must be done under local anesthesia to allow the cannula to be inserted under the skin, which will suck in the melted fat by the laser. After this procedure, the surgeon will place micropore in the small cuts that are made for the entrance of the cannula and it may be necessary to be hospitalized for up to 2 days to ensure that no complications arise.

Surgery price

The price of this type of liposuction can reach up to 7 thousand reais, depending on the clinic selected and the type of procedure, being about 10% more expensive than traditional liposuction.

Who can do the surgery

Laser liposuction can be performed on people over 18 years of age who have localized fat in some parts of the body, in a mild to moderate degree, and therefore cannot be used as a form of treatment for obesity, for example.

Some of the most common places to use this technique are the belly, the thighs, the sides of the breast, the flanks, the arms and the jowl, but all places can be treated.

How is the postoperative

The postoperative period of laser liposuction can be a little painful, especially when fat is aspirated using a cannula. Therefore, it is recommended to take all medications prescribed by the surgeon, in order to relieve pain and reduce swelling.

It is usually possible to return home in the first 24 hours after liposuction, and it is recommended to stay at least one night to ensure that complications such as bleeding or infection, for example, do not arise.

Then, at home, it is important to take some precautions such as:

  • Use the brace advised by the doctor 24 hours a day, during the first week and 12 hours a day, in the second week; Stay in absolute rest for the first 24 hours, starting short walks at the end of the day; Avoid making efforts for 3 days; Drink about 2 liters of water a day, to eliminate toxins from fat and facilitate healing; Avoid taking other medications not prescribed by the doctor, especially aspirin.

During the recovery period it is also important to go to all check-ups, the first one usually taking place 3 days after the surgery, so that the doctor can assess the state of healing and the possible development of complications.

Possible risks of surgery

Laser liposuction is a very safe technique, however, as any other surgery can bring some risks such as skin burns, infection, bleeding, bruising and even perforation of internal organs.

To decrease the chances of risks arising, it is very important to have the procedure performed in a certified clinic and with a specialist surgeon.

Laser liposuction: how much it costs, how it works and post-op