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Heart attack


Acute myocardial infarction, or heart attack, happens when the lack of blood in the heart causes damage to its tissue. This situation is known as ischemia, and causes symptoms such as chest pain that radiates to the arms, in addition to nausea, cold sweat, tiredness, pallor, among others.

Generally, the infarction occurs due to the accumulation of fatty plaques inside the coronary arteries, which happen both due to genetics, as well as to risk factors such as smoking, obesity, unbalanced diet and physical inactivity, for example. Its treatment is indicated by the doctor, and involves the use of medications to restore circulation to the heart, such as AAS, and sometimes, cardiac surgery.

In the presence of symptoms that indicate a heart attack, lasting more than 20 minutes, it is important to go to the emergency room or call the SAMU, as this situation can cause serious cardiac sequelae, or even lead to death, if they do not is rescued quickly. To quickly recognize the symptoms of a heart attack, and the particulars in women, young and old, check out symptoms of a heart attack.

How to identify

The main symptoms of infarction are:

  • Pain in the left side of the chest in the form of tightness, or "anguish", which radiates as numbness or pain to the left arm or right arm, neck, back or chin; Paleness (white face); Sickness; Cold sweat; Dizziness.

Other previous symptoms, which are not so classic, that can also indicate a heart attack in some people are:

  • Stomach pain, in the form of tightness or burning or as if there was a weight on the individual; Back pain; Burning sensation in one of the arms or jaw; Feeling of gas in the stomach; Sickness; Malaise; Shortness of breath; Fainting.

These symptoms usually start gradually, and gradually worsen, lasting more than 20 minutes. However, in some cases, the infarction can happen suddenly, with a very rapid worsening, a situation known as fulminant infarction. Know what causes and how to identify fulminant infarction.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by the doctor through the patient's medical history and tests such as electrocardiogram, cardiac enzyme dosage and catheterization in a hospital setting.

What are the causes

Most of the time, the cause of the infarction is a blockage in the passage of blood to the heart, due to the accumulation of fat in the arteries, or due to:

  • Stress and irritability; Smoking, Use of illicit drugs; Excessive cold; Excessive pain.

Some risk factors that increase an individual's chances of having a heart attack are:

  • Family history of heart attack or heart disease; Having suffered a heart attack previously; Active or passive smoking; High blood pressure; High LDL or low HDL cholesterol; Obesity; Sedentary lifestyle; Diabetes.

The family factor, when an individual has a close relative such as a father, mother, grandparent or sibling with heart disease, is very important.

Use the calculator below and find out what your risk of having a heart attack is:

How the treatment is done

The treatment of infarction is done in the hospital, with the use of an oxygen mask or even mechanical ventilation, so that the patient breathes more easily, and the administration of several medications, indicated by the doctor, such as anti-platelet aggregators, aspirin, venous anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers, statins, strong painkillers, nitrates, which work by trying to regulate the passage of blood to the heart.

Treatment seeks to stabilize the condition, reduce pain, decrease the size of the affected area, reduce post-infarction complications and involves general care such as rest, intensive monitoring of the disease and use of medications. Urgent catheterization or angioplasty may be necessary, depending on the type of infarction. This catheterization defines the vessel that is clogged and whether the final treatment will be angioplasty or cardiac surgery for placing bridges.

Find out more details about treatment options for heart attack, with medication or surgery.

As the treatment has to be done at the hospital, as soon as the first symptoms appear, it is important to call SAMU immediately, and if there is a loss of consciousness it is important that a cardiac massage be performed until medical help arrives. Learn how to do a cardiac massage with nurse Manuel by watching the video:

How to prevent heart attack

The great villains to increase the chances of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke or infarction, are unhealthy lifestyle habits, which are responsible for the accumulation of fat inside the vessels. Thus, to prevent heart attack, it is necessary to:

  • Maintain an adequate weight, avoiding obesity; Practice physical activities regularly, at least 3 times a week; No smoking; Control high blood pressure, with medications directed by the doctor; Control cholesterol, with food or use of medications directed by the doctor; Treat properly diabetes; avoid stress and anxiety; avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

In addition, it is recommended to have a check-up regularly, at least once a year, with the general practitioner or cardiologist, so that the risk factors for infarction are detected as soon as possible, and guidelines are provided that can improve health. and decrease the risk.

Check out the main tests that can be done to assess heart health.

Also watch the following video and know what to eat to avoid a heart attack:

Heart attack