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How syphilis transmission occurs


Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum , which enters the body through direct contact with the wound. This wound is called a hard cancer, it doesn't hurt and when pressed it releases a highly infectious transparent liquid. Usually, this wound appears on the genitals of the man or woman.

The main form of transmission of syphilis is intimate contact with the infected person, as it is transmissible through the body's secretions and fluids. But it can also be transmitted from the mother to the baby during pregnancy, either through the placenta or through normal delivery, through the use of contaminated syringes during the use of illicit drugs and also through blood transfusion with contaminated blood.

So, to protect yourself it is recommended:

  • Use a condom in all intimate contact; If you see someone with the syphilis wound, do not touch the wound and recommend that the person undergo the treatment; Do tests before becoming pregnant and prenatal care during pregnancy to make sure you do not have syphilis; No use illicit drugs; if you have syphilis always do the treatment and avoid intimate contact until you are cured.

When the bacteria enters the body, it penetrates the bloodstream and the lymphatic system, which can lead to the involvement of several internal organs and if not treated correctly it can affect the central nervous system causing irreversible damage, such as deafness and blindness.

Its treatment is quick and simple, just a few doses of intramuscular penicillin, according to the clinical stage of the disease, but these should always be recommended by the doctor.

How syphilis transmission occurs