- What happens in the first days after surgery
- Care to take at home
- How to feed
- What activities to do
- When to see a doctor
Recovery from aortic valve replacement surgery takes time, and it is necessary to rest and eat properly to help in the healing process.
On average, the person is hospitalized for about 7 days, and after that, they must follow care at home according to medical advice. During the first month after surgery, it is important not to drive or do heavy activities, which may include simple activities such as cooking or sweeping the house, for example, in order to prevent complications.
What happens in the first days after surgery
Right after the surgery, the patient is taken to the ICU, where he usually stays for a day or two to be closely monitored and avoid complications. If all is well, the person is transferred to the infirmary, where he will remain until he is discharged. In general, the patient goes home about 7 to 12 days after surgery, and the total recovery time depends on factors such as age, care during recovery and health status before surgery.
Also during hospitalization, it is necessary to undergo physical therapy, to recover lung capacity, improving breathing, and to strengthen and recover the body after surgery, allowing the person to resume normal daily activities. Physiotherapy can also be performed after hospital discharge, with varying duration, according to the medical advice and the patient's recovery. See 5 exercises to breathe better after surgery.
Care to take at home
When the person goes home, it is important to eat properly and do the exercises recommended by the doctor.
How to feed
A lack of appetite is common after surgery, but it is important that the person tries to eat a little at each meal, giving the body the necessary nutrients for better recovery.
After surgery, the diet should be based on a healthy diet, with foods rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, such as oats and flaxseeds, for example. In addition, the consumption of fatty foods, such as bacon, sausage, fried foods, processed products, cookies and soft drinks should be avoided, as this type of food can increase inflammation.
Constipation is also common, as always lying down and standing still makes the intestine slow. To improve this symptom, you should eat lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains throughout the day, and drink plenty of water. Water helps to hydrate the body and form feces, favoring intestinal transit. When constipation cannot be resolved with food, the doctor may also prescribe a laxative. Learn about constipation feeding.
What activities to do
At home, you should follow the medical guidelines for rest and rest. After the first two weeks, the person should be able to get up and walk better, but should still avoid making efforts, such as lifting weights or walking for more than 20 minutes without stopping.
It is also common to suffer from insomnia on the way home, but staying awake during the day and taking a pain reliever before bed can help. Insomnia tends to improve with the passing of days, with the return to routine.
Other activities, such as driving and returning to work, must be released by the surgeon. On average, the person can drive again after about 5 weeks, and return to work for about 3 months, which may take longer when the person does some heavy manual work.
When to see a doctor
After surgery, the person should see a doctor when:
- Increased pain around the surgery site; Increased redness or swelling at the surgery site; Presence of pus; Fever above 38 ° C.
Other problems such as insomnia, discouragement or depression should be reported to the doctor at the return visits, especially if the person realizes that they are prolonged over time.
After full recovery, the person can have a normal life in all activities, and should always follow up with the cardiologist. Depending on the age and type of valve used in the surgery, a new surgery to replace the aortic valve may be necessary after 10 to 15 years.