Home Symptoms 11 Symptoms of breast cancer

11 Symptoms of breast cancer


The initial symptoms of breast cancer are related to changes in the breast, mainly the appearance of a small, painless lump. However, it is also important to know that many of the lumps that appear in the breast are benign and, therefore, do not represent a cancer situation.

If you suspect you may have breast cancer, select your symptoms and see what your risk is:

  1. 1. Presence of a lump or lump that does not hurt Yes No
  2. 2. Change in color or shape of the nipple Yes No
  3. 3. Release of fluid from the nipple Yes No
  4. 4. Changes in breast skin, such as redness or harder skin Yes No
  5. 5. Swelling or change in the size of one breast Yes No
  6. 6. Frequent itching in the breast or nipple Yes No
  7. 7. Alteration in the color or shape of the areola Yes No
  8. 8. Formation of crusts or wounds on the skin near the nipple Yes No
  9. 9. Veins easily observable and increasing in size Yes No
  10. 10. Presence of a groove in the breast, as if it were a sinking Yes No
  11. 11. Lumps or swelling in the armpit waterways Yes No

The best way to identify these changes is to look for a mastologist and do a regular breast self-examination, as it helps women and men to better understand the anatomy of their breast over time, allowing them to identify small changes as soon as they appear.

These symptoms may appear simultaneously or alone, and may be symptoms of early or advanced breast cancer. In addition, the presence of any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean the existence of breast cancer, but you should consult a mastologist, as it may be a benign nodule or an inflammation of the breast tissue, which needs treatment. See which tests confirm breast cancer.

Watch the following video and learn how to do the breast self-examination correctly:

Who can get breast cancer

Anyone can develop breast cancer, whether male or female, with people with:

  • Age over 50 years; Family history of breast cancer; Obesity and sedentary lifestyle;

In addition, there are also genetic changes that can increase the tendency to develop this type of cancer, such as those that occur in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. However, there are tests that can be done and that help to identify the change even before the cancer arises, giving the opportunity to prevent cancer.

See how this type of genetic testing is done and how it can help prevent breast cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer in men

The symptoms of male breast cancer are similar to the symptoms of breast cancer in women, so when there is some kind of change in the breast, it is important to consult a mastologist to diagnose the problem and start the appropriate treatment.

Learn about male breast cancer.

Main types of breast cancer

There are several different types of breast cancer, depending on its development, some of which are more aggressive than others. The main ones are:

  • Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): it is a type of early stage breast cancer that develops in the ducts and, therefore, has high chances of cure; Lobular carcinoma in situ (CLIS): it is the second most common type in women and is also in its early stages, but it is located in the milk-producing glands. This type is not aggressive and easy to treat; Invasive ductal carcinoma (ICD): it is the most common type of breast cancer and means that it is at a more advanced stage in which the cancer started in the milk-producing gland, but has spread outwards, which can create metastases; Invasive lobular carcinoma (CLI): it is more rare and often more difficult to identify. This type of cancer can also be related to the appearance of ovarian cancer; Inflammatory carcinoma of the breast: it is an aggressive cancer, but very rare.

In addition to these types of breast cancer, there are also others that are even rarer, such as medullary carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, tubular carcinoma or malignant filoid tumor.

How to identify advanced breast cancer

Symptoms of advanced malignant breast cancer include, in addition to worsening symptoms and lesions in the breast, other signs not related to the breasts, such as nausea, bone pain, loss of appetite, severe headaches and muscle weakness.

These symptoms are usually caused because advanced cancer causes metastases from malignant cells to other organs in the body, such as the lungs and brain, so they should be investigated by the mastologist and the clinical oncologist as soon as possible. Learn about other causes of breast discomfort or pain.

How to prevent breast cancer

The prevention of breast cancer is done by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is advised to have a healthy diet, with fruits and vegetables, the practice of regular physical exercises, avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and eliminate cigarettes.

However, to effectively prevent this cancer, it is necessary to perform mammography on a regular basis. Ideally, mammography should be done annually between 50 and 69 years of age, but the guidelines indicate that this time can be extended up to 2 years between each exam, especially if the woman does not have any risk factors or changes in the breast. Women over 35 and risk factors should undergo mammography every year.

In addition, it is also important to perform the monthly breast self-examination, 3 to 5 days after the end of menstruation. The importance of self-examination is always remembered in the government's annual campaigns, known as Pink October. Understand the step-by-step how to do the breast self-examination correctly.

11 Symptoms of breast cancer