Home Home-Remedies Recipes of the best home remedies for tiredness and weakness

Recipes of the best home remedies for tiredness and weakness


Weakness is usually related to overwork or stress, which causes the body to spend its energy and mineral reserves more quickly.

However, very high or frequent levels of weakness can also be a sign of a disease that is weakening the body, such as anemia, and in these cases, in addition to using home remedies it is also very important to see a general practitioner to identify if there is any problem and start the appropriate treatment.

1. Cabbage juice with apple and spinach

This juice is very rich in vitamins and iron that help to maintain good mood during the day to day, being the perfect ally for those who spend the day running between tasks. However, as it also has high levels of iron, due to the presence of spinach and kale, it can also help people who are undergoing treatment for anemia.


  • 2 apples, 1 glass of water, 1 leaf of kale, 5 leaves of spinach;

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink next. If necessary, sweeten with a small spoon of honey, agave syrup or stevia sweetener, for example. The ideal is to drink up to 2 glasses of this juice a day.

2. Infusion of ginseng

Ginseng is an excellent stimulant of protein synthesis and therefore improves brain function and reduces mental tiredness. In addition, this medicinal plant also helps to prevent other diseases, such as diabetes.

This infusion is perfect for those who constantly suffer from excess stress, however, it should not be ingested by pregnant women, children under 12 or those who are undergoing treatment for depression, heart disease or asthma.


  • 1 dessert spoon of dry ginseng root; 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Put the ginseng root in a cup of boiling water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Then strain and drink up to 4 cups a day.

3. Juice of various fruits

This juice contains several types of fruits and is therefore very rich in several types of vitamins, minerals and glucose. Thus, it is an excellent form of energy for the body, being perfect for those who feel a lot of tiredness in the body, especially weakness in the legs or frequent dizziness, for example.

In addition, as it has spinach, this juice can also be used to relieve tiredness during the treatment of anemia, for example.


  • 1 orange; 1 green apple; 2 kiwis; 1 pineapple slices; 1 glass of raspberries or blackberries; 1 handful of spinach.

Method of preparation

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Ideally, you should drink 2 to 3 times a day, especially on the most stressful days, such as important presentations or tests.

Check out other recipes that help prevent a lack of physical and mental energy.

Recipes of the best home remedies for tiredness and weakness