Home Home-Remedies Home remedies for yellowish skin

Home remedies for yellowish skin


In adults, the yellowish color of the skin (jaundice) can be caused by changes in the liver or gallbladder, while in the newborn baby this condition is common and easily treatable even in the hospital.

If you have a yellowish color on your skin and eyes, you should seek medical help to be properly diagnosed and treated, but in addition to the doctor's instructions, what else can be done to speed recovery is to increase the consumption of green foods, such as watercress and chicory, for example. Here's how to prepare.

1. Cress sauté

An excellent home remedy for jaundice is to eat a saute of watercress, as it has an oil that causes the production of bile by the liver, detoxifying the body and eliminating excess bilirubin that causes jaundice.


  • 1 jet of watercress oil with black goo sliced

Method of preparation

Cut the watercress stalks and leaves, and season to taste. Place over medium heat using a wide skillet or wook. If necessary, 1-2 tablespoons of water can be added to avoid burning, and stir constantly, until the leaves are cooked.

2. Green juice

Another natural solution for jaundice is to drink a green juice made with chicory and orange.


  • 1 leaf of chicory

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a blender and beat until the mixture is homogeneous. Then strain and drink 3 times a day.

3. Dandelion tea

Dandelion tea is also a good home remedy for jaundice.


  • 10 g of dandelion leaves 500 ml of water

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in a pan and boil for about 10 minutes. Then let it stand for 5 minutes, strain and drink up to 3 cups of tea a day.

Home remedies for yellowish skin