Home Home-Remedies 3 Natural remedies to give energy and encouragement

3 Natural remedies to give energy and encouragement


Some excellent home remedies for a lack of physical and mental energy are natural guarana, mallow tea or cabbage and spinach juice.

However, as lack of energy is often a symptom of depressive states, excess stress, infections or poor diet, if you do not improve with the use of these drugs it is advisable to consult a general practitioner, to identify if there is any problem that needs to be addressed. treated.

1. Guarana, pineapple and papaya juice

Natural guarana is a great remedy for lack of energy, as it acts as a stimulant and makes you have more disposition for day-to-day tasks.


  • In a small bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, sugar, cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Put the pineapple and papaya slices in a blender, add the guarana syrup and coconut water. Beat well and drink this juice twice a day. This juice should not be consumed too much to avoid insomnia.

2. Mallow tea

Mallow is a medicinal plant with several nutrients that help to relieve pain and a feeling of body weakness, so your tea can be used to treat a lack of energy.


  • 1 tablespoon of mallow leaves 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Add mallow leaves with 1 liter of water in a pan and bring to a boil. Cover, let cool and drink tea every 6 hours.

3. Cabbage and spinach tea

Cabbage and spinach juice is a great home remedy for lack of physical and mental energy as it is rich in proteins and vitamins that help to recover muscles, relieve pain and stimulate the brain.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the chopped spinach leaves and a little salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Add the chopped kale with a cup of boiling water in one container and then place the spinach leaves in another container with another cup of boiling water. Leave the two mixtures to stand for 5 to 10 minutes covered. Then, strain and mix the two types of tea, finally adding 2 tablespoons of honey.

This tea should be drunk 2 to 3 times a day, until tiredness improves.

4. Massage with stimulating oils

Another good strategy to feel more energetic is to bet on the use of essential oils, which can be used to massage, moisturize the skin, or can be used in aromatherapy, for example.


  • 6 tablespoons of almond oil2 tablespoons of jojoba oil25 drops of lavender essential oil10 drops of rosemary essential oil5 drops of peppermint essential oil

Method of preparation:

To prepare this home remedy and recover your energy, just mix all the oils in a bottle and shake well. Apply the home remedy to the entire body with a gentle massage. Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week.

The essential oils used in this home remedy are stimulating and help to balance the tired body and mind. Massages with essential oils bring numerous health benefits, in addition to relaxing tense muscles, they also stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, leaving the individual invigorated and motivated to do their daily activities. To use as an aromatherapy, simply take a deep breath of this mixture of oils, stop breathing for 10 to 20 seconds, and then breathe normally.

See other natural remedy options for weakness and mental tiredness.

3 Natural remedies to give energy and encouragement