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Coronavirus from china: how it emerged and 6 other common doubts


A mysterious new virus, dubbed by the WHO as the coronavirus COVID-19, appears to be responsible for causing serious respiratory diseases that have infected an increasing number of people in China, with a number of 200 cases reported in early 2020, which meanwhile have already exceeded more than 5, 000 cases and 80 dead.

This virus first appeared in China, but has also been identified outside the country, in places like Thailand, Japan, South Korea, France and even the United States of America. Although not much information is known about the virus yet, it appears to be a new type of coronavirus, similar to the one that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002. Learn more about acute respiratory syndrome.

The symptoms generated by this coronavirus are very similar to those of a cold or flu and include cough, fever, general tiredness and shortness of breath. According to the WHO, people who have been in China or who may have been in contact with someone who has traveled to the region and who show symptoms should put a mask over their mouth and nose and go to the hospital to confirm their suspicions.

But what virus is this?

The virus that is infecting an increasing number of people in China is a new type of coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses known to cause diseases that can range from simple flu to atypical pneumonia. Until the discovery of the new virus in 2019 in China, 6 types of coronavirus were known.

This is a virus similar to the one that caused the SARS epidemic in 2002, in which more than eight thousand cases were registered, resulting in 774 deaths worldwide. Learn more about coronaviruses and this new type of 2019.

How did the virus come about?

The first cases of the coronavirus emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in China. Apparently, the first cases of the infection would have happened from animals to people, since this is one of the main forms of transmission of the viruses that are part of the coronavirus family. In addition, the first cases were recorded only in people who were in the same market in that city, where various types of live wild animals were sold, such as snakes, bats and beavers, which could have passed the initial virus.

After these first cases, other people were identified, who had never been to the Wuhan market, but who were also presenting a similar picture. After some investigations, it was confirmed that these people, although they had not been in the market, had been in contact with the first infected ones in the 10 days before the appearance of the symptoms, which led to the hypothesis that the virus can also be transmitted from a person to another.

Learn more about this virus in the following video:

What are the symptoms?

So far, the described symptoms of 2019 coronavirus infection are similar to those of the flu and include:

  • Dry cough; Headache; Fever; Muscle pain; Excessive tiredness; Difficulty breathing.

In some cases, especially of people with a weakened immune system, the infection can progress to pneumonia, which can cause more intense symptoms.

Can the virus kill?

Like any virus, the 2019 coronavirus can cause death, especially when it develops into a situation of severe pneumonia. However, and so far, these cases seem to happen only when the treatment is not done properly, in older people or who have a weakened immune system, as in HIV-infected, transplanted, cancer patients or those undergoing cancer. treatment with immunosuppressants.

How is it transmitted?

The mode of transmission of the virus seems to happen through the air, that is, when it exists with direct contact from coughing or sneezing, through touching with another person or through physical contact with contaminated objects and surfaces. For this reason, and because at this time of the year millions of Chinese travel to other countries, due to the celebrations of the lunar new year, the outbreak has put other countries on alert. Learn more about how the coronavirus is transmitted.

How to protect yourself from the virus?

As with the prevention of the transmission of other viruses, to protect yourself from the coronavirus it is important to adopt some measures, such as:

  • Avoid close contact with people who appear to be sick; Wash your hands frequently and correctly, especially after direct contact with sick people; Avoid contact with animals; Avoid sharing objects such as cutlery, plates, glasses or bottles; Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, avoiding doing it with your hands.

See how to properly wash your hands in the following video:

Check out other measures to protect yourself from coronavirus contamination.

Is it safe to travel during the epidemic?

Traveling during any type of epidemic is safe, as long as it is not to the place where the outbreaks of the disease exist. That is, to avoid infection with the new type of coronavirus, it is advisable to avoid traveling to regions of China that are close to Wuhan, which is the city with the highest number of cases.

In addition, people who have been in the region should also not travel abroad, as they may not yet be showing symptoms, but may already be transmitting the disease.

Coronavirus from china: how it emerged and 6 other common doubts