Home Home-Remedies How to remove spots on your face with cucumber and egg white

How to remove spots on your face with cucumber and egg white


A great homemade solution for dark spots on the face caused by hormonal changes and sun exposure is to clean the skin with an alcoholic solution based on cucumber and egg white because these ingredients are able to mitigate the dark spots on the skin, achieving good results.

Dark spots on the face can be caused by the sun, but they are usually influenced by hormones and therefore women during pregnancy, who take the contraceptive pill or who have some alteration such as polycystic ovary syndrome or myoma, are more affected.


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Method of preparation

Place all ingredients in a tightly closed glass container for 4 days in the refrigerator and stir from time to time. After 4 days, the mixture should be strained with a fine sieve or a very clean cloth and kept in a clean and tightly closed glass jar.

Apply the solution to the face, preferably before bed and leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse with water at room temperature and apply a moisturizer on the entire face to keep the skin properly hydrated.

Whenever you leave the house or even stay in front of the computer, you should use sunscreen, SPF 15 to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun and also from ultraviolet light that is also able to stain your skin. The results can be seen after 3 weeks.

Treatments to remove skin blemishes

Watch in this video what you can do to remove dark spots from your skin:

How to remove spots on your face with cucumber and egg white