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Indux: how it works and how to take


Indux is a medication with clomiphene citrate in its composition, which is indicated for the treatment of female infertility resulting from anovulation, which is characterized by the inability to ovulate. Before starting treatment with Indux, other causes of infertility or adequately treated should be excluded.

This remedy can be purchased in conventional pharmacies for a price of about 20 to 30 reais, upon presentation of a prescription, in the form of tablets with 50 mg of active substance.

What it is for and how it works

Indux is indicated to treat female infertility, caused by the lack of ovulation. In addition, it can also be indicated to stimulate egg production before performing artificial insemination or any other assisted reproduction technique.

Clomiphene citrate present in Indux acts to induce ovulation in women who do not ovulate. Clomiphene competes with endogenous estrogen at estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and leads to increased production of pituitary gonadotropins, responsible for the secretion of GnRH, LH and FSH. This increase results in stimulation of the ovary, with consequent maturation of the follicle and development of the corpus luteum. Ovulation usually occurs 6 to 12 days after the Indux series.

How to use

Indux treatment should be done in 3 cycles, either continuously or alternately, according to the doctor's indication.

The recommended dose for the first course of treatment is 1 50 mg tablet daily for 5 days. In women who do not menstruate, treatment can be started at any time during the menstrual cycle. If menstruation induction is programmed using progesterone or if spontaneous menstruation occurs, the medication should be administered from the 5th day of the cycle.

If ovulation occurs with this dosage, there is no advantage in increasing the dose in the next 2 cycles. If ovulation does not occur after the first treatment cycle, a second cycle should be performed with a dose of 100 mg, equivalent to 2 tablets, daily for 5 days, after 30 days of the previous treatment.

Possible side effects

Some of the most common side effects that can occur during treatment with Indux are the increase in the size of the ovaries, hot flashes, visual symptoms, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, headache, abnormal uterine bleeding and pain when urinating.

Who should not use

This medication should not be used in people with hypersensitivity to any component present in the formula, during pregnancy and lactation, in people with liver disease, with hormone-dependent tumors, uterine bleeding of undetermined origin, ovarian cyst, except polycystic ovary.

Indux: how it works and how to take