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What is it for and how to take the artichoke capsules


The way in which the artichoke is used can vary from one manufacturer to the other and therefore it must be taken following the instructions on the package insert, but always with the advice of a doctor or nutritionist. The usual dose of artichoke capsules for weight loss is 1 capsule before breakfast, lunch and dinner, totaling 3 capsules a day. However, there are no scientific studies that prove its effectiveness in weight loss.

The artichoke capsule ( Cynara scolymus L ) is a food supplement generally used in diets to lose weight and improve digestion by stimulating the production of bile by the liver and facilitates the digestion of foods with a high fat content. Some brands that market artichoke capsules are: Herbarium; Bionatus; Arkopharma and Biofil.

What is it for

Artichoke capsules can help you lose weight because they facilitate digestion, reducing gas and nausea caused by inadequate bile production, as well as acting as a mild laxative, which facilitates the elimination of feces. Thus, after its use there is a relief of these symptoms making the food better digested and the belly is less swollen.

In addition, some studies show that the consumption of artichoke extract can help reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver, lowering the levels of total cholesterol and LDL, which is bad cholesterol. Artichoke also appears to help reduce blood sugar levels, and may be one more source to help control the blood glucose of pre-diabetics and diabetics.

Artichoke weight loss?

Despite improving digestion and helping control cholesterol, no scientific study has proven the effectiveness of artichokes in reducing weight.

However, its use improves intestinal functioning, increases satiety due to the presence of fibers in the artichoke and helps to fight fluid retention, which together with healthy eating and physical activity, can help with weight loss. See an example of a diet to lose weight in a protein diet.


The box with 45 capsules of Artichoke 350 mg can vary between R $ 18.00 and R $ 24.00, and can be found in health food stores or nutrition supplements.

Side effects

Artichoke capsules have a laxative effect, and can reduce the effectiveness of drugs that interfere with blood clotting, such as acetylsalicylic acid and coumarin anticoagulants, such as Warfarin.


Artichoke capsules are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, in case of bile duct obstruction, pregnancy risk C, lactation and in case of allergy to plants of the Asteraceae family.

The artichoke in capsules is contraindicated during pregnancy due to the lack of available scientific studies on the subject, and it is contraindicated during breastfeeding because the bitter extracts of the plant pass into breast milk changing its flavor. In addition, this supplement should also be avoided in cases of hypertension or heart disease.

What is it for and how to take the artichoke capsules