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How to use cinnamon to lose weight


Cinnamon is an aromatic condiment widely used in various dishes, but it can also be consumed in the form of tea or tincture. This condiment, when associated with a balanced diet and regular physical activity, helps to promote weight loss and can even help control diabetes.

Cinnamon is rich in mucilages, gums, resins, coumarins and tannins, which gives it antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive and hypoglycemic properties that help to decrease appetite and control blood sugar levels. It can even be used to replace sugar, as it has a slightly sweet taste.

Cinnamon Weight Loss Benefits

Cinnamon can be used to lose weight because it improves the effectiveness of insulin and is useful for controlling blood sugar levels. In addition, it inhibits some pancreatic enzymes, allowing you to decrease the flow of glucose into the bloodstream, which helps prevent insulin spikes after eating. All of this allows the person to maintain better regulated sugar levels, in addition to helping to control hunger.

In addition, because it is rich in mucilages and gums, cinnamon helps to increase the feeling of satiety and reduce anxiety about sweets, also facilitating digestion and helping to eliminate accumulated gases. Due to its sweet taste, cinnamon also helps to reduce the calories eaten throughout the day, as it can be used to replace sugar in some foods.

It is also possible that cinnamon induces the process of thermogenesis and increases metabolism, causing the body to burn more calories, using the fat it accumulates at the abdominal level. However, further studies are needed to prove this effect on the weight loss process.

Check out the benefits of cinnamon in the following video:

How to use cinnamon

To confer the benefit of facilitating weight loss, cinnamon should be consumed in the amount of 1 to 6 grams per day, and can be used in the following ways:

1. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon tea should be prepared daily and can be kept inside or outside the refrigerator. To prepare it is necessary:


  • 4 cinnamon sticks; a few drops of lemon; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Put the cinnamon and water to a boil in a pan for 10 minutes. Then, remove the cinnamon sticks, let it warm and squeeze a few drops of lemon before drinking.

Consume 3 cups of this tea a day, before breakfast, lunch and dinner. To vary the flavor, it is possible to add ginger to the tea, for example.

2. Cinnamon water

Cinnamon water can be prepared by placing a cinnamon stick in 1 glass of water, and letting it rest for a few minutes, so that the cinnamon releases the mucilages and gums that help increase satiety.

3. Supplements or cinnamon tincture

There are also cinnamon supplements that can be purchased at health food stores or over the internet. In these cases, it is advisable to follow the instructions of the manufacturer or a herbalist, however, the indicated doses usually vary between 1 and 6 grams daily.

In addition, for those who do not like the taste of cinnamon, it is also possible to use cinnamon tincture, mixing a few drops in a glass of water and drinking before the main meals.

4. Include cinnamon in the diet

It is possible to adopt some strategies to include cinnamon more often in the diet and obtain all its benefits. Some are:

  • Drink 1 cup of cinnamon tea for breakfast; Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to breakfast cereals or pancakes; Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a fruit or dessert; Drink 1 cup of cinnamon cinnamon 15 minutes before lunch; add 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon to a smoothie of yogurt with banana; take 1 capsule of cinnamon after dinner or drink 1 cup of warm milk with a cinnamon au.

In addition, it is also possible to substitute sugar for cinnamon in milk, coffee, teas or juices. Here's how to prepare healthy cinnamon recipes.

Who cannot consume

Cinnamon extract and tea should not be consumed in case of suspected pregnancy, or during pregnancy as they favor uterine contraction which can cause abortion or childbirth before the expected date. It is also not recommended to consume cinnamon for people who are allergic to this spice, or in cases of gastric or intestinal ulcers.

How to use cinnamon to lose weight