Home Pregnancy Discover the 3 phases of labor

Discover the 3 phases of labor


The phases of normal labor occur in a continuous way and include dilation of the cervix, expulsion period and the exit of the placenta.

Generally, labor begins spontaneously between 37 and 40 weeks of gestation, and there are signs that indicate that the pregnant woman will go into labor, such as the expulsion of the mucous plug, which is the exit of a gelatinous liquid., pink or brownish through the vagina and the rupture of the water bag, which is when the transparent amniotic fluid starts to come out. In addition, the pregnant woman starts to have irregular contractions, which will intensify, until they become regular and with intervals of 10 in 10 minutes. Learn how to identify contractions.

So, when the pregnant woman has these symptoms she should go to the hospital or maternity, as the baby's birth is near.

1st Phase - Dilatation: When dilation begins

The first stage of childbirth is characterized by the presence of contractions and the process of dilation of the cervix and birth canal until it reaches 10 cm. This phase is divided into latent and active, and can take 12 to 16 hours, during which the woman may experience pain due to contractions, which are increasingly regular and close.

The latent phase is longer and the woman feels contractions a little lighter and whose interval is longer. As the dilation occurs, the active phase begins, being characterized by more frequent contractions and at shorter intervals.

What to do at this stage: At this stage, the pregnant woman should go to the maternity ward or hospital for assistance from health professionals. To reduce the pain, the pregnant woman should inhale slowly and deeply during each contraction, as if she were smelling a flower and exhale as if she were blowing out a candle. In addition, you can walk slowly or climb stairs, as it will help the fetus to position itself to get out and, if the woman is lying down, she can turn to the left side, to facilitate better oxygenation of the fetus and reduce pain. Discover other natural ways to induce labor.

2nd Phase - Expulsion: Birth

The active phase of labor is followed by the expulsion phase, in which the cervix has already reached its maximum dilation and the phase of the expulsive period begins, which can take up to 2 hours. At this point, the woman should begin to push for the descent of the fetal presentation. To facilitate birth, it may be necessary to make a small cut in the perineum, which is the space between the vagina and the anus to facilitate the exit of the fetus.

What to do at this stage: During this stage the woman should seek to help the health team and follow the instructions given to her. Thus, it is important that with each contraction, the pregnant woman inhales deeply and then does not let the air out while pushing. In addition, you should take advantage of the interval between two contractions to relax and regain your strength.

3rd Phase - Delivery: Exit of the placenta

The delivery phase is phase 3 of labor and occurs after the baby is born, being characterized by the exit of the placenta, which can leave spontaneously or be removed by the doctor. If the obstetrician performed the episiotomy or if there was a bleeding lesion of the mucosa, the suture should be performed.

What to do at this stage: If a cut has been made to facilitate the baby's birth, it is at this stage that the suture is made. In addition, it is important to massage the belly to help the placenta loosen from the uterus and come out more easily.

Discover the 3 phases of labor