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Main health benefits of physical activity


Regular physical activity is able to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, help you lose weight, decrease the risk of heart disease and strengthen bones, for example. These benefits can be achieved in about 1 month after the beginning of regular physical activity, such as walking, jumping rope, running, dancing or weight training.

In addition, practicing physical activity after studying is a great strategy to consolidate learning due to increased cerebral blood circulation and increased catecholamines that are essential for memory.

Those who are overweight should exercise at least 5 times a week, for 90 minutes, in order to burn fat. Elderly people can also exercise and the most suitable are those that are in accordance with the functionality of the body. In case of joint pain, preference should be given to exercises in water, such as swimming or water aerobics, for example. See if you are within the ideal weight to exercise:

Benefits of physical activity

Regular practice of physical activity is important to improve the quality of life and the willingness to carry out daily activities and, therefore, it is important for people of all ages to exercise. The main benefits of physical activity are:

  • Combat excess weight; Improve self-esteem and promote a sense of well-being; Decrease depression; Improve school performance in the case of children and adolescents; Decrease stress and tiredness; Increase disposition; Promotes strengthening immune system; Improves muscle strength and endurance; Strengthens bones and joints; Improves posture; Decreases pain; Decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease; Improves the appearance of the skin.

Regular physical activity is recommended for individuals of all ages. However, children under 12 years old should prefer to practice sports such as dance, football or karate, for example, because they are exercises that can be performed 1 or 2 times a week and are more suitable for this age group.

Adults and the elderly should be aware of their weight, because when they are below the ideal weight, they should not exercise regularly to avoid excessive caloric expenditure.

It is important that before starting to practice exercises, examinations are carried out to check the person's general health condition and, thus, it is possible to indicate the best type of exercise and the indicated intensity, for example. In addition, it is important that the person is accompanied by a trained professional to reduce the risk of injury.

In order to have all the benefits, it is important that the practice of physical activity is accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet. Check out what to eat before and after exercise in the following video:

How to start exercising

Before starting to exercise, it is important that medical examinations are performed to check the joints and cardiac functioning, especially if the person is sedentary. In this way, the doctor can indicate if there is any exercise that is not indicated, the ideal intensity for exercising and the need for the person to be accompanied by the gym teacher or physiotherapist, for example.

The beginning of physical activity can be quite difficult for people who are not used to it, so it is recommended that initially lighter exercises are carried out, preferably outdoors, such as walking, for example. Ideally, exercises should be performed 3 to 5 times a week, but you can start slowly, doing just 2 days a week, for 30 to 60 minutes. From the second week, you can increase the frequency to 3 or 4 days, depending on the availability of time.

When physical activity is not indicated

The practice of physical activity is recommended for people of all ages, however people who have hypertension or pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, for example, must be accompanied by a physical education professional to avoid complications. Therefore, it is important that tests are performed before starting to exercise, especially tests that assess heart health. Know the main exams for the heart.

People with hypertension, for example, are at increased risk of having changes in heart rate during intense physical activity, favoring infarction and stroke, for example. Most of the time, hypertensive people do not necessarily need professional monitoring during exercises, but they need to have pressure control and avoid very intense activities until recommended by the doctor, giving preference to lighter to moderate activities.

Pregnant women who do not have pressure control may develop pre-eclampsia, and extensive physical activity is not recommended, as it may result in premature birth and sequelae for the newborn. Thus, it is important that the woman is accompanied by the obstetrician and performs exercises according to her orientation. Understand what preeclampsia is and how to identify it.

Thus, it is important to be aware of some situations during exercise, such as chest pain, abnormal breathlessness, dizziness and palpitations, for example. It is recommended to stop the activity and seek the guidance of a cardiologist.

Main health benefits of physical activity