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Main risks of lipocavitation


Lipocavitation is an aesthetic treatment indicated to eliminate localized fat and cellulite, especially in the regions of the belly, thighs, flanks and back, which does not hurt and helps to shape and define the body. Lipocavitation is done using an ultrasound device, which helps to destroy accumulated fat locally. This treatment is safe and has no health risks, does not cause burns, nor does it increase cholesterol, but it must be performed with a trained professional so that the procedure has the expected effect.

As with the entire aesthetic procedure, there is always a risk of not working or not getting the expected results, and this can happen when the person does not follow all the necessary guidelines during their treatment period, which includes drinking plenty of water and green tea, eat well and it is essential to have lymphatic drainage and moderate or high intensity physical exercise within 48 hours after each lipocavitation session.

But for this treatment to be risk-free, it is necessary to follow its contraindications

Contraindications for Lipocavitation

Although lipocavitation is a procedure with few risks, it is contraindicated in some specific cases, such as:

  • During pregnancy, because for lack of scientific evidence, it is not known if the procedure is dangerous for the fetus, although it has been proven that it increases the temperature of the treated region; Heart disease, because the equipment can generate cardiac arrhythmia in certain people; Obesity, as it is not a procedure to lose weight, only to model specific regions of the body; Epilepsy, as there is a risk of seizure during the procedure; When there are wounds or infectious processes in the region to be treated; In the case of prosthesis, plates, metal screws or IUDs on the body, as the metal can heat up during treatment; When there are varicose veins or dilated veins in the region to be treated, as there is a risk of treatment worsening the varicose veins.

In addition, this aesthetic treatment should also not be performed by patients with kidney or liver disease, without first consulting the doctor.

Main risks of lipocavitation