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How is it and what does the baby with 1 year


The 1 year old baby starts to be more independent and wants to discover everything on his own. He starts to sing, laugh and talk more and more. From this stage the weight gain will be less as the growth will be greater.

At this stage the baby does not like strangers, or to be away from the mother, or in strange places. However, little by little he becomes more familiar with people and can show affection and affection for people, toys and pets.

Normally 1-year-old babies are startled by noises like the washing machine, blender and although they don't like to borrow their toys, they like to see and pick up other children's toys.

Baby weight at 1 year

Boy Girl
Weight 9.8 to 10.3 kg 9.6 to 10.1 kg
Height 75 cm 72 cm
Head measurement 46.5 cm 45.5 cm
Chest circumference 47.5 cm 46.5 cm
Monthly weight gain 300 g 300 g

Feeding the baby at 1 year

Baby feeding from 1 year of age is related to the introduction of new foods. Some babies may reject food, so some advice for adding new foods to baby's meals includes:

  • Offer the new food in small quantities; Introduce a new food every 1-2 days; Let the baby eat as he wants; Do not make big changes in the meals where there is a new food; Check if the food has been well digested by the baby.

A 1-year-old baby should not eat coffee, tea, fried foods, foods with strong spices, peanuts, popcorn, chocolate, almonds, shrimp, cod and strawberries and should drink about 500-600 ml of milk per day. See also: Baby feeding from 0 to 12 months.

1 year old baby development

The 1 year old baby really likes to walk and move around and probably already takes his first steps alone, already stands up but with help, fits the toys, understands orders, helps the mother when he is being dressed, already speaks at least four words, likes to show off, tries to use a spoon to eat and places objects inside others.

As the baby is starting to walk, parents should invest in a suitable shoe, so that the baby's foot development is not impaired. See the precautions you should take when buying baby shoes.

The 1-year-old baby cries when he is separated from his mother, does not like strange places, gets shy when he is with strangers and learns from everything the mother does and says. At 1 year of age, the baby should already have 8 incisor teeth. See: What does the baby with 1 year.

Watch the video to find out what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

Baby sleep at 1 year

The sleep of the baby at 1 year is very important, because at this age he may have some difficulties falling asleep and take from 15 minutes to 1 hour. To help you sleep, after the supper's milk, the baby should be in a calm, peaceful and quiet environment.

The baby should already sleep in your room.

Baby play with 1 year

The 1 year old baby likes to throw the toys on the floor and if someone catches them he thinks he is playing and throws them again. At this stage, the child must always be with an adult nearby to ensure their safety.

Another good game is to stack objects, but hiding objects so the baby can find you can keep you busy for a few minutes.

How to prevent baby accidents between 1 and 2 years

To avoid accidents with the child from 12 to 24 months, there are certain safety measures that must be adopted, such as:

  • Place gates on the stairs, safety nets on balconies and balconies and railings on the windows to prevent falls; Place locks on car doors so that the child cannot open; Ensure that exit doors to the street or dangerous areas are locked; Cover swimming pools when not in use; placing a low gate preventing the child's passage to the kitchen, as this is where most accidents occur in this age group; avoid toys with small or easily removable parts, as the child can suffocate.

These safety measures prevent accidents such as suffocation, falls and burns, very common in children. See what the 24-month-old baby can already do.

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