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What does the baby with 9 months


The 9-month-old baby should be almost walking and begins to notice many of the things that the parents say. His memory is getting more developed and he starts to want to eat alone, making a lot of mess but which is essential for his motor development.

He must already hold two objects with his hands when he realizes that it is too big to take with one hand, he knows how to hold a chair firmly, he uses his index finger to point to what he wants and also to people and whenever he can stick this finger in small holes in toys or boxes.

At this stage he very much likes to be observed, enjoying being the center of attention and whenever he is applauded by his parents, he repeats the same cutie. He is very sensitive to other children and can cry with them also out of solidarity. Your voice can already convey your feelings and when you are angry it makes loud sounds, pays close attention in conversations, can imitate other people's coughs. They may be afraid of heights and if they get hurt they can remember what happened, being afraid to continue.

Baby weight at 9 months

Boy Girl
Weight 8.9 kg 8.6 kg
Height 69 cm 68 cm
Head size 45 cm 44 cm
Chest circumference 45 cm 44 cm
Monthly weight gain 450 g 450 g

Baby feeding at 9 months

When feeding a 9-month-old baby, it is indicated:

  • Offer fresh fish to the baby at least once a week along with mashed vegetables or potatoes, such as whiting, sole or boyfriend, as the fish helps in the development of the thyroid and the growth of the baby; Offer the baby avocado for dessert, as it is a very nutritious fruit; when feeding the baby, separate the food so that he can try one at a time and do not mix everything on a plate so that the baby knows the different flavors; offer 5 or 6 meals to the baby; Start taking the bottle out of the baby so that he starts to eat with a spoon and cup; Avoid salt, fatty meats such as pork, fried foods, butter, mortadella, cod, catfish and mackerel.

The fish should be cooked, mashed and mixed with the vegetable or potato puree. The water that is given to the baby must be filtered, it cannot be from the well, as it can be contaminated, being dangerous for the baby.

The 9-month-old baby who does not want to eat may be due to the appearance of teeth. However, the baby should be taken to the Pediatrician to assess whether there is a disease that causes him to have a lack of appetite. See also: Baby feeding from 0 to 12 months

Baby sleep at 9 months

The sleep of the baby at 9 months is peaceful because at this age, the baby usually sleeps between 10 and 12 hours a day divided into one or two naps.

The 9-month-old baby who does not sleep during the day usually sleeps poorly at night, so it is very important that the baby takes at least one nap during the day.

Baby development at 9 months

The 9-month-old baby is already crawling up stairs, holds an object with both hands, sits alone in a chair, points with his finger at objects or people, picks up smaller objects in tweezers, with his thumb and index finger and clap your hands. This month, the 9-month-old baby is usually afraid, afraid of heights and objects with loud noise like the vacuum cleaner.

The 9-month-old baby already has a good relationship with other people, cries if he hears another child crying, he knows it's him when he looks in the mirror, he says "mommy", "daddy" and "nanny", imitates the cough, He blinks his eyes, he starts wanting to walk, imitating his steps and he holds the bottle to drink alone.

The 9-month-old baby who is not crawling should be evaluated by a pediatrician because he may have a developmental delay. However, here's what you can do: How to help your baby crawl.

The 9-month-old baby has four teeth, two upper central incisors and two lower central incisors. Between eight and ten months, the upper lateral incisor teeth may be born.

See when your baby may have hearing problems at: How to identify if your baby is not listening well.

Watch the video to find out what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

9 months baby play

The 9-month-old baby is already able to play alone and can have fun with any object, such as a ball or spoon, for example. However, no child should be left alone, as it can be dangerous.

A good game is to talk to the baby, giving as much attention as possible to him. He will enjoy trying to imitate what you say and also your facial expressions.

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What does the baby with 9 months