Home Symptoms Allowed and prohibited foods for those who have gout

Allowed and prohibited foods for those who have gout


Food for those suffering from gouty arthritis, also popularly called 'gout', helps to reduce pain and consists of reducing the intake of some protein-rich foods, such as some meats and seafood, and increasing water consumption.

These foods are rich in purines, nutrients that when they are in excess in the blood can end up accumulating in places like ankle, heel and knee, causing inflammation and pain.

Prohibited foods for gout

Foods banned during the gout crisis are:

  1. Alcoholic beverages; Soft drinks and sugary drinks; Goose meat, chicken heart, kidneys, chicken and diced meat broths; Excessive red meat; Foods rich in fructose, especially sweet ones such as cherries, mango, persimmon or figs; Shellfish, fish, anchovies, herring, mussels, mackerel, sardines, scallops; Industrialized products with some ingredient that has fructose, such as: soft drinks, canned or powdered juices, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, industrialized sauces, caramel, artificial honey, chocolates, cakes, puddings, fast food, some types of bread, sausage and ham.

When the patient is not in a crisis of gout, these foods are not prohibited, but they must be controlled to avoid the onset of crisis, therefore, they must be consumed in moderation, preferably according to the guidelines of a nutritionist.

What to eat in case of gout

In case of gout it is essential to drink a lot of water, from 2 to 3 liters of water per day, to increase urine production and eliminate uric acid from the blood, in addition to eating foods such as:

  • Watercress, beet, celery, peppers, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, parsley, garlic; Apple, orange, watermelon, passion fruit, strawberry, melon; Milk and derivatives.

These foods will facilitate the elimination of excess uric acid in the blood through the urine. In addition, you can also use flaxseed and chia seeds that are natural anti-inflammatories to help decrease pain. A good way to use these seeds is to add juices with diuretic fruits or yogurt.

Watch the video and learn more details about gout feeding

Diet menu for gout

In addition to being careful with food, it is also often necessary to lose weight, as being overweight causes hormonal changes in the body that end up reducing the elimination of uric acid in the urine.

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast strawberry smoothie with 1 slice of brown bread and cheese 1 glass of milk + egg sandwich orange juice + 2 scrambled eggs with cheese, tomato and oregano
Morning snack 10 grapes 1 mashed banana + 1 col of chia tea 1 yogurt + 1 col of linseed tea
Lunch dinner chicken breast with tomato sauce + rice and salad pasta with ground beef + green leaf salad and corn palm heart pie and shredded chicken + sautéed vegetables
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt with 1 col of oat soup avocado vitamin 1 baked banana with 1 col of chia tea + 1 slice of baked cheese

See other tips at: Home remedy for gout.

Allowed and prohibited foods for those who have gout