Home Bulls Baby ear pain: symptoms and treatment

Baby ear pain: symptoms and treatment


Baby ear pain is often caused by an inflammation or infection in the ear called otitis. It is a relatively common situation in children up to 5-6 years old. It can be caused by water entering the ear (Otitis Externa), causing inflammation or infection, or by the multiplication of viruses, bacteria or fungi inside the baby's middle ear (Otitis Media), which sometimes comes from typical secretions. flu and colds.

In addition to otitis, other diseases such as Mumps, Measles, Pneumonia, Flu or Virosis are also common in the baby. Find out more in the Complete Guide to the Most Common Baby Diseases.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of earache in a baby can be:

  • Irritability; Crying; Lack of appetite; Difficulty breastfeeding and the baby may even reject the breast; Place a small hand on the ear often; Difficulty resting the head on the side of the infection; Shaking the head sideways many times.

Generally, the earache in a baby gives a fever, but a moderate fever that does not exceed 38.5ÂșC.

If there is a perforation of the eardrum, there may be a bad smell in the ear and pus, which can sometimes cause momentary hearing loss, but if not properly treated it can become permanent.

How the treatment is done

Whatever the baby's earache remedy, it must be prescribed by the pediatrician, and some treatment options include:

  • Analgesics and antipyretics, such as Dipyrone or Paracetamol, for relief of illness and fever: Anti-inflammatories, such as Ibuprofen, for relief of inflammation and pain; Antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin or Cefuroxime, should only be used when the infection is caused by bacteria.

Decongestants can be used when otitis is accompanied by a cold or other respiratory infection that causes secretion production, and should also be advised by the pediatrician.

Home treatment options

A complementary home remedy for a baby's earache is to iron a diaper with the iron and place it close to the baby's ear after it is warm. It is necessary to pay attention to the diaper temperature in order not to burn the baby (place it close to your face).

In addition, throughout the treatment, it is important to offer plenty of fluids and pasty foods, such as soups, purees, yogurts and mashed fruits to the baby. This care is important, as earache is often related to sore throat and the baby may feel pain when swallowing, and the less irritation in the throat, the better it will feed and the faster it will recover.

Baby earache on the plane

Ear pain in the baby is also common when traveling by plane, and in this case, what you can do is hold the baby in your lap and place it to breast or bottle during landing and take-off. The pacifier can also be used, but it is less efficient. See more tips here.

Sucking and swallowing relieves pressure on the baby's ears and lessens the discomfort he feels during these moments on the plane.

Baby ear pain: symptoms and treatment