Home Bulls Doxorubicin



Doxorubicin is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Adriblastina RD.

This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of several types of cancer, since it acts by altering cell function, preventing the proliferation of malignant cells.

Doxorubicin Indications

Head cancer; bladder cancer; stomach cancer; breast cancer; Ovary cancer; neck cancer; prostate cancer; brain cancer; acute lymphocytic leukemia; acute myelocytic leukemia; lymphoma; neuroblastoma; sarcoma; Wilms' tumor.

Doxorubicin Price

A 10 mg bottle of Doxorubicin costs approximately 92 reais.

Side Effects of Doxorubicin

Nausea; vomiting; inflammation in the mouth; serious blood problem; severe cellulitis and skin peeling (necrotized areas) due to the overflow of the medication; complete hair loss 3 to 4 weeks.

Contraindications for Doxorubicin

Pregnancy risk C risk; breast-feeding; melosupression (pre-existing); impaired cardiac function; previous treatment with complete cumulative doses of doxorubicin; daunorubicin and / or epirubicin.

How to Use Doxurrubicin

Injectable Use


  • 60 to 75 mg per m2 of body surface, in a single dose every 3 weeks (or 25 to 30 mg per m2 of body surface, in a single daily dose, on the 1st; 2nd and 3rd days of the week, for 4 weeks). Alternatively, apply 20 mg per m2 of body surface, once a week. The maximum total dose is 550 mg per m2 of body surface (450 mg per m2 of body surface in patients who received irradiation).


  • 30 mg per square meter of body surface per day; for 3 consecutive days every 4 weeks.