Home Bulls Drenol



Drenol is an oral medication that has Hydrochlorothiazide as its active ingredient.

This medication is a diuretic and an antihypertensive, which acts by interfering with the absorption of sodium by the kidneys and decreases the resistance of blood vessels.

Drenol indications

Edema (associated with heart failure, kidney dysfunction, liver cirrhosis, estrogen or corticosteroid therapy); high pressure.

Side effects of Drenol

Increased sugar in the blood or urine; decreased potassium in the blood; increased uric acid in the blood.

Contraindications for Drenol

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; asthma; diabetes; renal dysfunction; liver dysfunction; seniors; history of lupus; pancreatitis; jaundice; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Drenol

Oral use


  • High blood pressure: Start treatment with the administration of 25 to 100 mg of Drenol per day, in a single dose or divided into 2 equal doses. Edema: Start treatment with the administration of 25 to 100 mg, twice daily on alternate days.


  • Start treatment with the administration of 1 to 2 mg of Drenol per kg of body weight daily, in a single dose or divided into 2 equal doses. Children up to 6 months of age can receive a maximum of 3 mg per kg of body weight daily.