Home Bulls Dualid



Dualid is an anorectic drug that has the active ingredient of Amfepramona.

This medication for oral use inhibits appetite, being indicated for the treatment of obesity, but to result in weight loss the medication must be combined with diets, physical exercises and changes in behavior.

Dualid acts on the brain, precisely in the area of ​​satiety, thereby suppressing appetite.

Dualid indications


Side Effects of Dualid

Gastrointestinal: Changes in taste; abdominal pain; dry mouth; diarrhea; constipation; vomiting.

Cardiovascular: Cardiac arrhythmia; increased heart rate; increase or decrease in blood pressure; palpitation.

Central Nervous System: Decreased concentration; weakness; Headache; irritability; depression; personality modification; dizziness; nervousness.

Dermatological: Urticaria; itch.

Eyepiece: Blurred vision; blurred vision.

Others: Breast augmentation; chest pain; impotence; irregular menstruation; urinary disorder.

Contraindications for Dualid

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; chronic alcoholism; asteriosclerosis; heart disease; glaucoma; cerebral ischemia; high pressure; agitation states; hyperthyroidism; drug users; uremia; psychosis (schizophrenia); children under 16 years.

How to Use Dualid

Oral use

(1 hour before meals)


  • Administer 25 g of Dualid, 3 times a day or 75 g in a single daily dose, preferably mid-morning.