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Why does endometriosis get fat? know the possible causes


Although the relationship is still being discussed, some women with endometriosis report that they presented weight gain as a consequence of the disease and this may be due to hormonal changes or as a result of drug treatment for endometriosis or removal of the uterus.

Endometriosis is a situation in which the tissue that lines the uterus, the endometrium, grows to places other than the uterus, causing severe pain, intense menstruation and difficulty getting pregnant, for example. In addition, swelling and fluid retention are common in endometriosis, which results in an apparent weight gain, in which the woman feels that she is heavier.

Know how to recognize the symptoms of endometriosis.

The reasons that may be associated with weight gain in endometriosis are:

1. Hormonal changes

Endometriosis is characterized by hormonal imbalances, especially the hormone estrogen, which is primarily responsible for the growth and development of endometrial tissue.

When estrogen levels change, either more or less, changes related to fluid retention, fat accumulation and even stress levels are very common, which can end up producing a significant increase in body weight. woman.

2. Drug treatment

One of the first forms of treatment of endometriosis is the use of medications or hormonal devices, such as the IUD and birth control pills, as this type of treatment helps to regulate the levels of hormones in the woman's body, preventing overgrowth of the endometrial tissue. which causes the symptoms of severe cramps and bleeding.

However, one of the possible side effects of using these remedies is the possibility of weight gain. Sometimes this effect can be controlled with changing the pill for example. So, if there are side effects it is important to inform the doctor who is guiding the treatment.

3. Removal of the uterus

Surgery for complete removal of the uterus, also known as hysterectomy, is used only in the most severe cases of endometriosis and when the woman is no longer having children. Normally, the ovaries are also removed to treat the disruption of hormone levels.

Although this treatment helps to greatly relieve the symptoms of endometriosis, due to the removal of the ovaries, the woman enters an early menopause phase in which various types of symptoms can appear, including weight gain due to decreased metabolism.

How to lose weight

If the woman thinks that weight gain has interfered with her self-esteem or daily activities, it is important to practice physical activity regularly, preferably accompanied by a physical education professional so that the training is adapted to the goal, in addition to being indicated change in eating habits, giving preference to proteins, greens and vegetables and avoiding high-calorie foods that are a source of fat.

It is also important that the diet is recommended by a nutritionist, as this way the diet plan is made according to the objective and prevents the loss of essential vitamins and minerals for the woman. Check out the following video for some weight loss tips:

Why does endometriosis get fat? know the possible causes