Home Pregnancy 5 Diet Tips to Combat Postpartum Constipation

5 Diet Tips to Combat Postpartum Constipation


After delivery, both the common and the cesarean section, it is common for the woman's intestine to become stuck. This can happen due to factors such as the occurrence of intestinal lavage during the preparation for delivery or the elimination of feces during delivery, which empties the intestine and leaves it without stool for about 2 to 4 days.

In addition, the anesthesia given to relieve pain during childbirth can also make the intestine lazy, in addition to the woman's own fear of evacuating and rupturing the points of surgery or perineum. Thus, to facilitate intestinal transit, the following tips should be taken:

1. Consume more fiber

Foods rich in fiber and easy to be included in the diet are fruits with peel and bagasse, such as plum, orange, mandarin and papaya, vegetables in general and whole grains, such as brown bread, brown rice and oats, especially oat bran.

The fibers help to increase the volume of the stool, favoring its formation and its transport along the intestine. A great way to increase fiber in the diet is to consume green juices, see recipes here.

2. Consume good fats

Good fats, present in foods such as chia, flaxseed, avocado, coconut, nuts, oil and butter, help to lubricate the intestine and facilitate the passage of feces.

To use them, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil for lunch and dinner, and add up to 1 teaspoon of seeds to sandwiches, smoothies, juices and yogurts throughout the day.

3. Drink plenty of water

It is no use eating too much fiber if you don't drink enough water as well, because without water the fibers will cause more constipation. It is the water that causes the fibers to form a thick and easily transportable gel in the intestine, facilitating the passage of feces and avoiding problems such as hemorrhoids and intestinal injuries.

The ideal is to drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day, which may be necessary even more according to the woman's weight. See how to calculate the amount of water needed.

4. Taking probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria for the intestine that facilitate its functioning. They are present in natural yogurt, kéfir and kombucha, for example, which can be consumed 1 to 2 times a day.

In addition, there are also probiotic supplements in capsules and powder that can be found in pharmacies and nutrition stores, such as Simcaps, PB8 and Floratil. Preferably, these supplements should be taken according to the advice of the doctor or nutritionist.

5. Respect the will when it comes

When the intestine shows signs that you need to evacuate, you should go to the bathroom as soon as possible, so that the feces will be expelled easily, without the need to make much effort. By trapping the feces, they lose more water in the intestine and become more dry, which makes evacuation difficult.

Watch the following video and find out the best poo position:

5 Diet Tips to Combat Postpartum Constipation